Thursday, January 28, 2021

Word: Torrential



[ taw-ren-shuhl, toh-, tuh- ]

1. pertaining to or having the nature of a torrent.
2. resembling a torrent in rapidity or violence.
falling in torrents: torrential rains.
3. produced by the action of a torrent.
4. violent, vehement, or impassioned.
5. overwhelming; extraordinarily copious.


               Jharr felt each blow in his arms. They cam fast and heavy, and he had to avoid most of them. But his opponent was not letting up for a moment. The huge man swung the great sword with far too much speed and precision. It should be a slow weapon, even for a man that big. But the attacks were coming with the speed of a dagger.

               And the worst part was that Jharr had no idea how his opponent was doing it. The man was using his weapon like he was under the effects of a physical reinforcement spell. But magic was forbidden in this tournament. And if he was cheating, the enforcer would spot the spell use immediately.

               That is, unless they were being paid off. He risked a glance at the enforcer through the torrential rain of sword strikes. The man had the glowing eyes of one using an identification spell, but they were looking at Jharr, and only at Jharr. The man was completely ignoring the obvious magic use. But the moment Jharr tried to counter with his own magical power, he would no doubt be called out immediately.

               But that did not mean he was helpless. He could still move his mana around, and make use of it in minor ways. He could not reinforce his body, but he could still sense the flow of magic in another. And maybe even do something about it. Sure enough, the man’s entire body was wrapped with the dense, flowing mana of a reinforcement spell. Jharr grinned.

               “So, how much did you pay?” He said, just loud enough for the large man to hear. For the first time, the rain of attacks faltered.

               “Wh-what?” The big man asked. His eyes darted around the arena, checking to see if anyone had heard anything. “I…I didn’t pay anyone anything.”

               “Then explain why you haven’t been called out for that boost spell you’re using.”

               Jharr finally had the chance to counter. He swung his blade with everything he could, pressing his opponent’s momentary distraction. The big man growled, and used his magically enhanced abilities to launch into a series of rapid strikes. But it was too late. Jharr knew how to win, and he had an opening.

               He ducked an attack and moved in close. His knee shot up and into the big man’s chest. The man grunted, more from surprise than pain. Jharr took the time to inject a tiny amount of mana into his opponent, setting it moving in the opposite direction as his.

               It would not do much, but it was a start. Jharr darted in and out, landing bare handed blows laced with small amounts of mana. None of them did much damage, but that was hardly the point. A real mage would have been able to deal with such mana infusions, but this man was no mage. The two torrents of blows went back and forth. The big man’s magically enhanced great sword cuttgreat arcs through the air at rapid pace, but none of them landing. Jharr’s light, weak unarmed attacks fell like raindrops, and doing about as much damage.

               And soon, it was done. The two opposing mana currents in the large man’s body weakened, and ultimately disbanded the spell. His eyes opened in shock and confusion.

               “What…what did you do? You…you can’t use magic.”

               “Not magic. Just a little raw mana. Perfectly legal by tournament rules. Let’s see how well you do now, shall we?”

               Without the magic enhancing him, the man’s attacks were slow. They still had a great amount of force behind each one, but when the attacks seemed like they were made underwater, they were easy to avoid. Jharr had no such difficulty. Once again wielding his sword, He easily ducked each attack and unleashed a flurry of quick blows that cut through skin with ease. No one attack dealt significant damage, but they added up.

               When the man finally fell, Jharr was taking deep breaths and he was covered with sweat, but he had won. He raised his blade to the air, letting the cheers of the crowd wash over him. He just hoped his next opponent would fight properly from the start. That always made these tournaments more interesting.


 Not sure what to say right now. I guess just enjoy the story, okay?

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Word: Mammonism


[ mam-uh-niz-uhm ]


1. the greedy pursuit of riches.



               The alarm was being raised. The sound of shouting filled the air as everyone in the camp raced to gather weapons and get in formation. Well, what could loosely be called a formation anyway. This was not a professional war camp. It was merely a place for all the novice warriors to hide, fighting small animals to build their strength under the watchful eye of a few elders. Nobody was ready for real combat.

               One of the novices looked around at his companions. They were armed with simple weapons. Crude clubs and spears. None wore armor thicker than some thin leather and poorly treated hide.  Even he could tell their formation would amount to nothing. It consisted of the members of the camp hiding behind whatever they could in an attempt to ambush the attackers. The problem was that there was little real cover to hide behind.

               One of the elders approached. “Are you scared?”

               “Yes, elder.” The youth said. “Very.”

               “Good, good. Keep that fear inside of you. Remember it. Temper it. Let it be your armor that lets you live another day. But, like all armor, remember to take it off when you aren’t using it. Otherwise it will do nothing but weigh you down.”

               “Yes, elder. I’ll remember that.”

               The elder made to move on to the next youth in line, but was stopped.

               “Elder, I have a question.” He said. The elder stopped. “Why must we fight? I mean, why do they need to attack us? If they just left us alone, we would be fine hunting in the forest. Even our elite warriors would rather fight bears than anything else.”

               The elder hung his head and sighed. “That is not easy to answer, young one. They think us monster. They think us evil. And so they seek to kill us. At least, that is what they tell themselves.”

               “But it isn’t the real answer, is it?”

               “No. Do you remember those round metal disks we sometimes find?”

               “Sure. We keep them in the big tent. Why?”

               “Those are called coins. They love those coins. They need them. Damn need worship those things like gods. They will do anything to get more of those coins. They will kill, steal, lie, and betray for coin. They will run away, leaving their companions to die. They will slay their own leaders. Their leaders will trample those who don’t have coins. All of it to get more. And, since we have coins, they will come and kill us.”

               “So then there’s no need to fight.” The youth said, brightening immensely. “We can just leave the coins out for them to take and let them be on their way. We don’t need them, so there’s no reason to be killed for them.”

               “If only it was so easy. No, young one, it is never that easy. You see, those coming for us now get paid to kill anything that is not like them. Things they call monsters, including us. They will kill us, chop off our ears, and sell them for more coins. If we stand down, they will just slay us without a second thought. At least if we fight, we may be able to take one of them down with us.”

               “So, they kill us for their own greed?”

               “Yes. Oh, I am sure that some feel that they are helping their own. Some might have pure motives. But most simply wish for more coins.”

               The youth hung his head and thought about the elder’s words. “So there is no chance for us to talk? For us to avoid fighting them?”

               “No. I wish there was, but there is not. Now, young one, ready your weapon. The humans are coming.”

               The young goblin took a deep breath and lifted his crude spear. If there was no chance to avoid a fight, he would at least die as proudly as he could.  


These days there's more and more media showing good goblins. Or at least, not evil ones. Of course, they're still the staple low level enemy in most fantasy games. Maybe someday they'll become something more. But that won't be for quite some time.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Word: Discombobulate


[ dis-kuhm-bob-yuh-leyt ]

verb (used with object), dis·com·bob·u·lat·ed, dis·com·bob·u·lat·ing.

to confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate: The speaker was completely discombobulated by the hecklers.


               Ben was confused. So confused that he had taken some pain killers to deal with the headache that still thumped against the inside of his skull. His eyes glazed over as they went over the things again. He still had no idea what they were, or how they had gotten there. They had simply appeared on his desk without warning. Not even a small popping sound had accompanied their appearance.

               They were small glass-like objects that had some kind of swirling, color shifting light inside them. Each one was no bigger than his thumbnail, and all were uneven and irregularly shaped. He did not even know what they were made of. When he picked one up, all his senses told him they were glass. But something deep inside of him told him they were not. How could his mind be so at odds with the rest of him? It was just so frustrating.

               He picked up two of the objects and held them close to each other, occasionally turning one or the other over. He could almost make out something not unlike a pattern. The two objects, if positioned perfectly, might be able to fit together like puzzle pieces. Ben tried.

               They fit. They fit perfectly. So perfectly, in fact, that he could not tell where one ended and the other began. And it did not take him long to find the reason for this was not the perfect fit. They actually had become one piece. The material flowed and merged, fusing the two pieces together, forming one.

               Ben set the slightly larger object down and looked at the rest of them. He was now a little less confused in some ways. A lot more confused in others, but baby steps were needed here. He had figured out what they were. At least, at their most basic descriptor. These were puzzle pieces. A large 3-D puzzle made of…something. Now he just had to put them together. With no picture. And no clues as to how the pieces fit.

               Ben’s headache went from a dull thumping to a full-blown drum solo. He rubbed his pounding head in an attempt to get it to calm down. He needed to think. He needed to focus. This was a horrible, confusing, frustrating jumble of things, but at least he had something to go off of now. It was more than he had before.

               He picked up two pieces, and quickly discarded them when he saw they would never fit, no matter how he put them together. He then found two pieces who looked like they would work, and clicked them together. Nothing happened. Nothing he did would get them to fuse. He looked carefully at the bumps and spikes in the two. They matched perfectly, and yet they did not work. Ben felt his eye start to twitch as he set them down and moved to another pair.

               None of them worked. He tried dozens of combinations, and none of them fit together like the first two did. He knew they would. He had seen them fusing. He slumped back in his seat and rubbed his temples. He took a deep breath and looked at the glowing, irregular puzzle pieces. There had to be a way to get them to fit together. And he would find it eventually. He cracked his neck, then his knuckles, and got to work.  


I'd give up pretty quickly. I'm no good at regular jigsaw puzzles, let alone the 3-D variety. I'd never be able to figure this out.