Monday, November 24, 2014

Word: Gaslight



\ GAS-lahyt \  , verb;
1. to cause (a person) to doubt his or her sanity through the use of psychological manipulation: How do you know if your partner is gaslighting you?
1. light produced by the combustion of illuminating gas.
2. a gas burner or gas jet for producing this kind of light.
1. gaslit ( def 2 ).

The door to the cabin opened and then quickly shut with a loud bang.  The dim, gas lit lamps flickered briefly as the sudden breeze hit them.  The man who had just entered the small building stood just inside the door, his eyes wide and his breaths coming fast and deep. 
                “I think I just saw something.”  He said.
                “Like what?”  Said another man, this one having been sitting in the cabin already.
                “I don’t know, just something.”
                “Look Hector, you can’t just tell me you saw something and then not say what it was.”
                “I don’t know what it was.  It was big though.  And no, it wasn’t a plant.  It moved.”  Hector said.  He made his way into the cabin, mud and dirt trailing behind him as it fell off his heavy boots.
                “Yeah, so?  It was probably a deer or something.”
                “No way, man.  This wasn’t a deer.  It was…I don’t know.  It was something big though.”
                “A bear than.”
                “No, it…Joey, you’re not listening to me.  This wasn’t anything like that.  It was…”  Hector paced around the room as he spoke, “I don’t know what it was.  But it wasn’t an animal.  At least, not any animal I’ve ever seen.” 
                Joey looked at his companion and sighed.  The two of them had been alone in the cabin in the woods for going on two weeks now, and it was clearly starting to get to Hector. 
                “Well, why don’t you tell me what it looked like?”
                “It looked like…I don’t know…Something.  It was tall, and big.  I couldn’t see it very well so I can’t really tell.  It was definitely not normal though.”
                “How so?”
                “It was like, floating or something.  No footprints or anything behind it.  I checked, and there was nothing.”
                “Yeah, I know.  I think there’s something wrong with these woods, man.”
                “I’m sure there is.  You know, Hector, maybe you should consider leaving?  You know, go back to civilization for a few days.” Joey said, looking at his friend’s panicked expression.
                “W-what?” Hector asked.
                “I think this place is starting to get to you.  I mean, you’re starting to see things.  Next thing you know, you’ll be hearing voices in your head or something.”
                “You think I’m crazy?”
                “No, no, of course not.  I just think some R&R will do you good is all.”  Joey said in an overly slow, clear voice.
                “You do.  You think I’m going nuts.  Well I’m not.  I tell you what I saw was real.  I really saw it, man, and…”
                “Hector, stop.  Listen to yourself.”  Joey said.  He got up from the simple wooden chair he had been sitting on and placed a comforting hand on Hector’s shoulder.  “You’re talking about mysterious floating creatures in the woods.  Does that sound like something you’d say if you were in your right mind?”
                “I-I…”  Hector pulled away from Joey, looking at his friend with wide eyes, “I’m sane.  I just know it.  I…I mean, there’s no way I could be crazy, is there?”  He said, even as he began doubting his own words. 
                “Of course you are.”  Joey said slowly.  “Why don’t you go lie down and think about what you saw for a moment.  In the morning we can talk about it more.  Maybe get you into town to talk to someone?”
                “Uh…Uh…yeah.  Yeah, ok.  That sounds good.”  Hector said.
                Joey guided Hector over to one of the two small bed set up on the far side of the cabin.  Hector didn’t bother to change out of his outdoor clothes, opting to simply collapse into the not quite comfortable bedding.  He lay there, thinking about what he saw, and his own mental condition  while Joey went back to whatever he had been.
                Joey returned to the chair he had been sitting on with a large grin on his face.  As he sat down, a small chunk of still fresh dirt fell off his boot. 
In honor of my dad, who has made use of this word quite well, I present this humble offering.  I do hope you all enjoy it.

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