Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Word: Magnanimous


[mag-nan-uh-muh s]
1. generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness:
to be magnanimous toward one's enemies.
2. high-minded; noble:
a just and magnanimous ruler.
3. proceeding from or revealing generosity or nobility of mind, character, etc.:
a magnanimous gesture of forgiveness.

Maxwell sat at his desk and looked at the man in front of him.  The man was sweating rivers and was clearly very scared.  he had every right to be, considering what he had done.  The man’s crime was not small, and he no doubt deserved any punishment Maxwell would lay upon him.  But, he had also given Maxwell nearly ten years of good, dependable service that was not to be overlooked.  Maxwell considered his options for a moment before coming to a decision.  He was in a magnanimous mood that day.
                “You have done me a great disservice.”  Maxwell said.
                “Y-yes, sir, I-I know that.”  The man said.  His eyes were wide with panic and fear.
                “Yet, you have also done many great things for me.  These are not to be overlooked.  I feel that in this case, your service has outweighed your disservice.  As such, I will let you go this time.”
                “R-really?  Thank you, sir.  Thank you.”  The man said, with a large smile on his sweat stained face.
                “However, this will be the only time such a thing is forgiven.  Next time you hurt me so, I will not be so generous.”
                “Y-yes.  Yes, of course.  It’ll never happen again, I swear.”
                “Very good.  Now, get out of here.”
                The man quickly headed for the large, wooden double doors.  He was clearly glad to be leaving that particular room, and equally glad to be doing so under his own power.
                “Why’d you let that guy off?”  Said a man at Maxwell’s left.  “You know what he did.”
                Maxwell turned to his left hand man.  This was one of the two people who Maxwell trusted above all others.  It was certainly enough to consider him for Maxwell’s position after his passing.  The other man who was up for the job stood at Maxwell’s right, saying nothing about what had just happened.
                “Because I felt it was time to show some mercy.”  Maxwell said.
                “Mercy?  Why show mercy?  It just makes you look weak.”
                “That all depends on how it is used.  Fear is a powerful motivator, but it does not inspire loyalty.  Showing mercy can do just that.  Of course, not all the time mind you.  The threat of punishment is a fine deterrent.  It can keep a man from committing an injustice.  But mercy makes it so they will not consider doing such an injustice.  One must know how to balance the two.  When to punish a transgression and when to forgive it.  Do you understand?”
                “Not right now, no.  But I’ll think it over.”
                “Very good, very good.  That is all I can ask of you both.  Now then, do send in the next one.”
                A signal was given, and the next man came in.  He was just as nervous as the first.  Even before he had entered the room, it was obvious that he had been soaked with his own sweat.
                “Now, what has this man done?”  Maxwell asked.
                “He skimmed money off the jobs he’s done.”  His right hand man said.  “In total, he’s stolen $150,000 from you.”
                “N-No, no, I swear, I didn’t do it!  It’s a lie!”  The man said.  Maxwell said nothing.  he just looked at the panicking man.  It was all he needed to do.  “O-okay, m-maybe I did skim a few bucks here and there  B-but I needed it.  I-I swear it was all necessary for me.”
                “And why was it necessary?”  Maxwell asked.
                “There’s evidence that he was trying to use it to start his own faction.”  Maxwell’s right hand man spoke up.  The terrified man stiffened and his eyes widened.
                “I see.  So you wish to set yourself up then?”  Maxwell said.  His magnanimous mood had passed.  “Well then, I do believe I shall help you with that.  Of course, you will still be working under me, but I think I can give you a bit of land to control.  Say, on the East Side?”
                The man’s eyes grew even wider with pure fear.
                “N-no, no.  Anything but that!  Please, I have a family.”
                “And I am sure they will love your new apartment.  You know the East Side is facing the sea.  It has such a lovely view.  And you will be in charge of the entire area.  It can be quite lucrative if handled correctly.  Now, away with you.  All arrangements will be made for your transfer.”
                The man was pulled out of the room kicking and screaming.  It was no wonder, really.  The East Side was notorious.  It had the single highest mortality rate of any other area under Maxwell’s control.
                “Huh.”  Maxwell’s left hand man said.  “A punishment and a reward all in one.  Mercy and discipline.”
                “Precisely.”  Maxwell said.  “It is always good to know when and where to use the carrot and when to use the stick.  Learn that and you will be a truly great leader.”
I'd say this is true for anything, really, not just in the world of organized crime.  Real shame most people in positions of power don't seem to understand.

1 comment:

  1. I find that many of your characters sweat buckets. Is this meaningful?
