Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Word: Estival


[es-tuh-vuh l, e-stahy-vuh l]
1. pertaining or appropriate to summer. 
               “You know what my favorite part about summer is?” Rodney said as he sat on the park bench.
                “Ice cream?  Sports?  The fact that we’re no longer trapped inside by bitter cold and snow?” Josh replied.  He was leaning backwards over the back of the bench, looking at passing clouds.
                “Nope.  It’s the fashion.” Rodney replied.
                Josh returned to a normal sitting position and looked at his friend.
                “Fashion?” He asked.
                “Yup.  The fashion has got to be the best part about summer.”
                “How so?”
                “Well, just take a look.”
                Rodney nodded towards a group of pretty young women dressed in seasonally appropriate outfits.
                “Oh yeah.  That is pretty great.” Josh agreed.  “Hey, how come you don’t dress like that?”
                He turned to face a young woman leaning against a nearby tree.  She was dressed in decidedly non-summer clothes, forgoing the shorts and T-shirts for loose jeans and a relatively light long sleeved shirt.  She had been trying to ignore her two male friend’s conversation until she had been brought into it.
                She replied by slowly turning her head to face Josh and blinking slowly.  She then returned her head to a forward facing position just as slowly.
                “Okay, fair enough.” Josh said. 
                “She’s just self conscious is all.” Rodney said.  “She knows she couldn’t pull off the ‘summer’ look like some other ladies out there.”
                Her eye twitched.
                “Hey now, let’s not go overboard.” Josh said.  He tried to think the warning to Rodney.  Like many times before, he lamented the fictional nature of telepathy.
                “I’m just stating a fact.” Rodney continued, oblivious to his impending doom.  “It’s not like it’s a mystery.  Cass says it herself all the time.  Oh don’t give me that look, you know you do.”
                “Hey, uh, I think I have to go be somewhere else.” Josh said. 
He got up and walked away as quickly as his feet would carry him.  His seat was taken over by Cassie.
“So, I can’t pull off the ‘summer’ look, can I?” She said.  Her voice seemed to have forgotten in was supposed to be hot out.
“Hey now, don’t act like that.” Rodney said.  “You’ve admitted it a bunch of times.  What was it you said?  Something about a chunky butt?”  Cassie’s eye twitched again.  “Your words, not mine.” Rodney said.  “I mean, come on, even you have to admit that those girls look a lot better in those shorts than you would.”
Cassie slowly stood up and turned stiffly towards the women in question.  She marched up to them and struck up a conversation.  A conversation in which they all ended up looking at Rodney several times.  One of the women gave Cassie a cup that she had been previously drinking out of. 
It was at the point where Cassie marched over to him that Rodney began to regret his choice of words.  And when the cup was held over his head, he lamented the fictional nature of time travel.  And when the ice cold beverage was covering a great deal of his upper body, he really wished he could just learn not to talk sometimes.  
Woo summer!  Nice weather!  Ice cream!  Bugs!  Okay, so sometimes you gotta take the good with the bad.   

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