Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Word: Venal


[ veen-l ]


willing to sell one's influence, especially in return for a bribe; open to bribery; mercenary: a venal judge.
able to be purchased, as by a bribe: venal acquittals.
associated with or characterized by bribery: a venal administration; venal agreements.

               Jack forced himself to not wring his hands nervously.  He should not be there.  He did not belong in jail.  He was a good, law abiding man.  And yet, he was behind bars talking to his very large cell mate.
               “First time here?” The big, bald man asked.
               “Uh, yeah, yeah it is.  Hopefully the last too.”
               The man laughed.  “Yeah, that’s what everyone says.  What’re you in for?”
               “Grand theft auto.”
               “Nice.  Assault and battery here.  Beat a man who looked at my woman the wrong way half to death.  Would’ve gotten the other half too, but the cops showed up before I could.”
               “Oh, I, uh, I see.”
               “Oh, don’t get nervous.  I only did that cause of my girl.  I’m not in the habit of just hitting guys for no reason.”
               Jack was not reassured.  But at least he was not imprisoned with some mass murderer who would gut him for snoring too loud.  He hoped.  This guy might even be useful.
               “So, um…”
               “So, Dan, any advice for a newbie?”
               “Oh, yeah, tons.  First of all, you know that whole don’t drop the soap stuff?”
               “Not true.  Nobody’s gonna be doing that stuff in the shower.”
               That was a relief.  Jack let out a breath he had not been aware he had been holding. 
               “Next, butter up to the guys in charge.”
               “You mean the warden?”
               “The warden?  Hell no.  He’s a figurehead at best.  No, you gotta get in close to the real leaders of this prison.  That’d be Marcus over in block D, Juan in A and Georgie in C.  Pick one of ‘em and buddy up real close.  I mean, yeah, you could stay solo and just keep your head down, but that’s a lot harder than you think it is.  Me?  I’m with Georgie.  Not a big guy, but damn smart, which goes a lot farther than most people think it will, even in here.”
               Jack nodded.  “Got it.  Uh, if I do that, will I have to, you know, shank someone?”
               “Nah.  You’re small.  Unassuming.  You’ll probably be lookout or spy or something.”
               “I can do that.  I think.”
               “Right.  Well, doing that will see you through to the end, but the most important thing you can know is which guards are open to a bribe, and which to steer clear of.”
               “Yup.  Enough grease, and lots of wheels can turn that would otherwise be stuck.  Bribing the right guard can get you a lot of contraband.  That’s the real key to surviving here.  Find a way to get money and use that money to bribe a few guards.  They’ll either look away from some things you’d rather not be seen, or get you stuff you shouldn’t have.  Keep your money stored away, and at best it’ll just sit there gathering dust.  At worst, having cash will get you killed.  But if you use it to get the guards on your side, well, not only will you be living large, but you’ll be less likely to get harassed, both by guards and inmates.  It’s not foolproof, but it’s always good to have a little leeway.”
               “So do all the guards take bribes?”
               “Nope.  Some of them actually give a damn about doing their jobs right.  Keep your nose clean and they can be your best friends.  But if you want to live like a human being, you gotta cozy up to the guys who work for nothing but money.”
               Jack nodded.  He had no idea how he was going to get enough money to matter.  And even if he did, would he really use it on the guards?  He did need to survive prison, but he still had standards.  Still, knowing which guards were corrupt could be very useful to an undercover cop.
I have never been to prison.  I never want to go to prison.  All I know about being behind bars comes from movies and TV.  I probably made some mistakes because of that.  

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