Thursday, July 16, 2020

Word: Adamantine


[ ad-uh-man-teen, -tin, -tahyn ]


1. utterly unyielding or firm in attitude or opinion.
2. too hard to cut, break, or pierce.
3. like a diamond in luster.
               “Lord Melif, I have a report on the hero.”
               The large, imposing figure that was Lord Melif turned to look at the one who had spoken. It was a small creature, with wings that should not have been able to support it, and horns that were too large for its head. The Lord of Shadows knew this seemingly helpless, unwieldy creature was actually one of the most dangerous creatures in his army. This was Ven, the Imp Lord’s right hand. And if such an important figure was coming to speak with him, it must be important.
               “What is it Ven? Have you been subjecting the hero to constant danger as ordered?”
               “Yes, Milord, we have. He and his party are constantly being targeted for assault. Assassins at all hours, hired thugs, bandits, monsters. We have sent them all. Obviously, the hero’s party defeats them all.”
               “I see. He must be at his limit then. Such a life can fray even the strongest of minds. Soon he will crumble under the pressure and be easy to eliminate.”
               It was a strategy that had served him well against other heroes. On the surface, it may have seemed counterproductive, since heroes and their companions got stronger the more they fought. But a constant state of alertness and steady threats would wear them out mentally and spiritually. In such a state, it did not matter how powerful their bodies became.
               “Well, that’s the things, Milord, no, he isn’t.”
               “Some of his companions are having trouble, but the hero himself is perfectly fine. And he is able to rally his companions and undo everything the constant danger does to their psyches. I have never seen anyone so able to remain resolute under the kind of stress we are putting him under.”
               “How odd. Well, there are bound to be exceptions to every rule now and then. Reduce the number of attacks. No need to make them any more powerful than necessary, and perhaps the sudden lack of danger will make them paranoid. What about temptations?”
               “Yes, Milord. We’ve used all of them. Beautiful women, riches, powerful magic, land. Everything we could think of to tempt the hero away. He refused them all. Now, to be fair, I can understand some of them. The companions he travels with are all young women who rival most succubae in beauty. And they have already conquered enough dungeons to make them very wealthy and hold a number of potent magical items. But we offered far more than they could ever get on their own and made offers before they held such things. And yet, no matter how much we offered, or when we made the offers, they were always refused nearly instantly.”
               “How troublesome. This hero must have a will stronger than steel. Very well, we act to eliminate. We can no longer afford to simply dissuade this one as we have in the past. This one, we kill.”
               A vicious gleam came to the greater imp’s beady eyes. He had clearly been waiting for this moment.
               “Very well, Milord. I shall see it done immediately.”
               The imp flew off to see Lord Melif’s orders done. The Lord of Shadows sat in his throne and thought about this newest hero.
               “This one should be interesting. I hope he does not die too quickly. It might be nice to have a real challenge for once.”
So, how long do you think it'll take for the hero to cut through everything and wind up utterly destroying this dark lord type figure? A month? Two? I'd say half a year tops.    

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