Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Word: Contretemps


[kon-truh-tahn; French kawntruh-tahn]

noun, plural contretemps
[kon-truh-tahnz; French kawntruh-tahn] (Show IPA)
1. an inopportune occurrence; an embarrassing mischance:
He caused a minor contretemps by knocking over his drink.

               The room was dark.  All the lights were off.  And yet, Jarred could tell there was someone there.  He could hear the person breathing.  Whoever it was wasn’t replying to him when he called out though.  His heart beat quickly as he fumbled around the wall for the switch.  When the light came on, he breathed a sigh of relief.  The person in the room was his girlfriend, Whitney.
                She sat on one of the chairs with her legs crossed, and her fingers linked and resting on her lap.  And she looked absolutely furious.  Jarred was glad that it wasn’t some crook in his room, but seeing his girlfriend mad was almost as bad.  In fact, it may have been worse.  At least with someone breaking in he could figure something to do.
                “Uh, hey, Whit, what’s up?”  He asked.  She didn’t answer. “Is-is there something you need?  I mean, why were you sitting in the dark?  Something wrong?”  Still no answer.  He was starting to panic.  He had no idea why she was so mad at him.  He furiously thought back to anything that could have triggered her anger, and came up with a big nothing.  “Come on, talk to me.  Please?”
                He continued trying to talk to her for a good five minutes.  He practically begged her to open up.  He asked her why she was mad.  He tried appealing to her better nature.  He even tried apologizing even without knowing what was wrong.  Not only did she not answer him, she didn’t even seem to acknowledge his presence.  He clasped his hands in hers and looked into her eyes pleadingly.
                “Oh, Jarred, you’re here.”  She said bitterly after far too long.  “I thought we were ignoring each other.”
                “Wh-what?  Why?  Why would you think that?”
                She shook his hands off hers and reached between the arms of the chair and her body.  She came up with her cell phone.  It only took her a few seconds for her to find what she wanted to show him.  It was the last text he had sent her.  It read simply:  “Ok.  I’ll ignore you okay Whit?”
                “Uh, hold on, wait.  That’s not what I meant.”  Jarred said, horrified by what he saw. 
He had meant to say “Ok.  I’ll ignore.  You okay with that?”  He had missed a single period and forgotten he had changed wt from “with that” to “Whit”.  And those two tiny mistakes had made him seem like he wanted nothing to do with her.
“Oh really?  It certainly seemed like it to me.”
“Come on, you’re taking it the wrong way.  I just forgot a period there.  I was agreeing with you that I would ignore all those spam emails and asking if you were okay with everything.”
“Uh huh.  And you expect me to believe that?”
“Well, yeah.  I mean, given every other text before it, it should be obvious, right?”
She didn’t say anything.  She looked at her phone and scrolled through the previous conversation.  Her lips wriggled and curled around.  She was clearly trying to keep justifying her anger.  When she could no longer find one, she simply opted for roughly shoving the phone down onto the chair cushion and crossing her arms.
“I’m still mad at you.”  She said, purposely looking away from him.  Jarred sighed.  She would calm down eventually.  He knew she would.  After all, this time it was only a small little mistake.
Remember people, punctuation saves lives.  

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