Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Word: Assiduously



[ uh-sij-oo-uhs-lee ]


  1. with careful and consistent effort; diligently or tirelessly:

    The Department of Health is still working assiduously with the schools to prevent further spread of the disease.

  2. constantly; ceaselessly:

    He referred to the boys assiduously as “gentlemen.”


               Two of the masters watched as the smallest of the students practiced. The child swung their sword endlessly, despite the fact that everyone else had long since ended the day’s training.

               “What do you think?” Asked one of the masters.

               “Admirable dedication. If anyone else had that kind of will, I would consider them as a true disciple. But this one?” the other said.

               The first master nodded slowly. His colleague continued.

               “I do not understand why we even allowed her to enter the school. The arts we teach are not for girls to learn. They do not have the fortitude for it.”

               The first master looked at the child. He was not so sure he echoed the thoughts of the other man. There was something about the student’s eyes. He had seen that fire before. It was found in all those who had become masters. Even he had once had that look in his eyes, long ago.

               “So what should we do? We have already accepted her.” The first master said as he looked at the girl.

               “We do as we always have. We teach. We treat her as we do the others, as is proper. She will eventually come to realize her place is not here with a sword in her hand.”

               “You are so sure she will fail?”

               Looking at her relentless effort, the first master could not see failure coming easily. Surely it would come. It came to everyone. It was a matter of what one did afterwards that mattered. He could see that child picking up a broken sword before she ever picked up a cooking ladle.

               “Of course. It is simply a fact of life. Women do not possess the strength for battle. That is why they avoid bloodshed whenever they can.”

               The first master said nothing. The student kept swinging her sword. Each swing was imperfect and wasteful. But that was to be expected. No student ever performed even a basic swing right away. Often it took years to master even the simplest of sword strikes. No, he could not fault her for her lack of skill. But they drive that kept her going was certainly worthy of note. And he could not help but feel that his colleague was mistaken. At least about this one.

               “Come, my friend. She will tire herself out eventually.” The second master said. “We only need to treat her like any other student, and she will leave on her own.”

               “I wonder.” The first master said quietly.

The second did not respond. The man was already turning to leave. The first took one last look at the young student, diligently swinging her sword like it was the only thing in the world that mattered. No matter what his fellow master said, he was sure she would succeed. And he would keep an eye on her. She was not disciple worthy yet. But if she continued as she was now?  Well, being known as the master with the first woman as a true student was certainly something of note. 


Yeah, you know the kid's going to grow up and kick major butt. That's how these stories go, right? It wouldn't be fun if she just quit midway through the training arc. 

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