Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Word: garboil



\ GAHR-boil \  , noun;
1. Archaic . confusion.

“Say that again?” Tony said.  The older man sighed.
                “I said I’m you from the future.”  Tony just looked at the man and blinked.  His face contorted in confusion.
                “One more time.”  He said
                “Seriously?  Look, it’s not that hard.  I come from the year 2038, and I traveled through time, and here I am.”
                “Yeah, I still don’t get it.”
                “What’s not to get?  I mean, it doesn’t get much clearer.”
                “I think the whole premise, really.  I mean, do you really expect me to believe that time travel is a reality in only 24 years?  And why the hell would you come here and not to some place interesting?  Like anywhere else.”
                “It doesn’t quite work like that.  Time travel is still a new technology, and it’s far from perfect.  In fact, as far as I know, I’m the first human to travel back in time.”
                Now Tony was not only confused, but skeptical as well.  There was so much wrong with what was going on.  The man who claimed to be his older self did have many similarities to himself, but the man could just be a relative he didn’t know.  And he didn’t exactly look like someone to be the trial run for a potentially dangerous technology.  In fact, the guy was a bit round about the middle. 
                “And how were you picked out for this trip?”
                “Well, let’s just say sweepstakes are just as common in the future as they are now.”  The man said.
                “Wait, you mean you won some kind of ‘win a trip to the past’ contest?”
                “Not because you were the last person alive or anything?”
                “Nope.  Humanity is doing pretty well for itself.”
                “So, I don’t have to do anything to save the future then?”  Tony asked.  If this guy wanted to pretend to be himself from the future, he might as well play along.  It could be interesting.
                “Why would you have to do that?”
                “So no world ending robot apocalypse then?”
                “Nope.  I mean, there are robots.  But they’re pretty much ok with things.”
                “Ah.  How about alien invasions?”
                “Hm.  Depends on how you look at it.  There are aliens, but I wouldn’t call their arrival an invasion.”
                “How so?”
                “The first genuine extra-terrestrial life that landed on Earth just wanted a few large pizzas with anchovies and pineapple.  The second group wanted some strawberry-rhubarb pie.  And the third wanted tickets to a major league baseball game.  And pretty much every alien after that is pretty much the same.”
                “Ok, yeah.  That makes no sense at all.”  Tony said.  The more the man spoke, the more confused Tony became.   
                “That’s pretty much what everyone else said also.  But hey, we go with it.”
                “Right.  So I guess there wasn’t any zombies or life ending viruses then?”
                “Zombies don’t exist and any big viral outbreaks like that are cured pretty quickly.”
                “I guess that’s good.  So then, why are you here?”
                “Chewing gum.  I need some chewing gum.”
                Tony just blinked at his supposedly older self. The more he thought about what was just said, the more confused he became.
                “What, there’s no gum in the future?”
                “There was until about two months ago.  I can’t give you any details, but chewing gum becomes very important in the future.  Well, a few months ago, some idiots with grand ideas went and blew up the factories and deleted all the files with recopies and manufacturing methods.  Don’t ask why, it’s pretty complex.”
                “Uh huh.”
                “So, anyway, after the gum supply dwindled, some big name scientist said he had a solution.  He made the very first time machine, and wanted someone to go back in time and get some gum.  They can use it to relearn how to make more.  Only problem was, nobody in their right mind wanted to take the trip.  And that’s when the sweepstakes was held.  I got lucky, and here I am.”
                “So you were a chump they needed because nobody smart wanted to risk their life for candy?”
                “Yes, but gum is much more than candy in the future.  You’ll have to trust me on that.”
                “Uh huh.  And I guess you want me to get the stuff because you only have future money?”
                “Pretty much.”
                Tony sighed.  He was expecting someone to leap out from behind a bush with a camera at any moment.  He had no such luck though, and was left to think about the man’s ridiculously confusing and nonsensical story.
                “Do I at least get something out of it?”
                “Oh sure, sure.  See, before I left, I got permission to give you this.”  He took a small flash drive out of his pocket and presented it to Tony.
                The thing was a quite ordinary flash drive.  Tony couldn’t see how big it was, because all the words and numbers had been worn off. In fact, the entire thing looked much older than it should.  The plastic was faded and chipped in some places, and the innards looked suspect at best.
                “Careful with that.  It’s an antique.  We pulled it out of retirement just for this.  It should work fine though.”
                “If you say so?”  Tony said with a quizzical look.
                “After we get the gum, you can look at the contents.  I have no idea what’s on there, but the people who sent me here tell me it’ll make you, and therefore me, very rich n a few years.”
                “How…nice of them.”
                “I know, right?  I mean, they told me I can’t say anything important about the future for various reasons, and they still give me this to give to you.  It’s great, huh?”
                “Uh huh.  Look, let’s just get you your gum and then you can go back to…wherever it is you come from.  Sound good?”
                “Sounds perfect.  Oh, but I need more than one pack.  They said to bring back at least twenty, but more would be better.”
                “Yeah, sure.  Whatever.”  Tony said.  He didn’t know why he was going along with this.  But, he was glad the guy wanted something cheap.  He just hoped the flash drive wouldn’t load his computer with viruses. 
Nothing more confusing than a visit by your future self, am I right?  Also, this word is fun, just for how it sounds.  I mean, just listen to it.  Isn't that just a sweet sounding word? 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Word: Scofflaw


\ SKAWF-law, SKOF- \  , noun;
1. a person who flouts the law, especially one who fails to pay fines owed.
2. a person who flouts rules, conventions, or accepted practices.

The large room was dark and eerily quiet.  The only lights were from two narrow beams that moved around the area, illuminating the desks and chairs that occupied the room.  The only sounds were those of the two individuals holding the lights.  One of them took normal, unhurried steps.  The others footfalls were short, jerky and panicked.  His breath matched his footsteps as he cast his small flashlight nervously around.
                “We shouldn’t be here.”  Sam, the nervous boy said.
                “Yeah, yeah.  I heard you the first ten times.”  The other boy, Trevor, said while rolling his eyes.
                “You sure?  Cause we’re still here.”
                “Oh don’t be such a baby.  Nothing’s gonna happen.  ‘Sides, even if we were caught, what’s the worst that could happen?”
                “We could be arrested for breaking and entering for one.”
                “Pff, yeah, like that’ll happen.  First off, we’re both minors.  Second, your dad’s a cop and we’re using his keys to get into the station.  If anyone asks, we just say he asked us to come and get something from his desk.”
                “And when they ask him, he denies it and we get sent to juvie for stealing the keys on top of breaking and entering.”
                “You worry too much.  It’s not like we’re trying to steal anything.  We just want to look around.”
                “Uh huh.  And what’re we looking for?”  Sam asked bluntly.
                “Oh you know, anything cool.  We won’t take anything, just look.  Maybe take a few pics to show off at school tomorrow.”
                “Yeah, right.  This wouldn’t have anything to do with those parking tickets your dad doesn’t want to pay, would it?” 
                Trevor stopped dead.  He shined his flashlight in Sam’s face.  Sam covered his eyes to shield them from the bright light.  Sam tried to duck out of the beam, but Trevor moved the light to keep it on Sam’s face.
                “Dude, would you stop that?”  Sam asked as he tried to ward off the light.  Trevor didn’t say anything.  “Ok, ok, I’m sorry I said anything about your dad ducking the tickets.”
                “Damn right you are.”  Trevor said as he removed the light from Sam’s face.  “Now where’s the evidence locker.  I bet that’s where all the really cool stuff is.”
                “It’s in the back, but…”
                Trevor dashed off before Sam could finish speaking.  It was Sam’s turn to roll his eyes as he followed his friend to the evidence room.  Trevor was trying to open the locked door until Sam showed up.  As soon as both teens were there, Trevor excitedly looked to Sam, giving him a silent look to open the door.
                “Just so you know, I can’t open the door for you.”  Sam said.
                “Sure you can.  You got your dad’s keys and everything.  Oh wait, I bet you don’t know which one it is.  Don’t worry about that.  Just try them all until you find the right one.”
                “No, I can’t.  I really can’t do that.”
                “Ok fine.  Give me the keys and I’ll do it you big wimp.”
                Sam sighed and held out the small key ring.  Trevor snatched the keys and hurriedly tried one of them.  When it didn’t fit, he went on to the next one. He tried them one after another with no luck. 
                “You know it’s not going to work.”  Sam said.
                “Shut up.  I just haven’t found the right key yet is all.”  Trevor said as he fumbled with the next key.
                “No, I mean—“
                “Quiet, I think this one’s it.”  Trevor said, interrupting Sam.  “It’s the last one, so it has to be the right one.”
                Trevor placed the key up to the keyhole almost reverently.  The tip of the key went into the small opening, and stopped dead.  Trevor fidgeted with the key, trying to get it to go into the lock.  When it was clear it wouldn’t, he looked angrily at Sam.
                “Dude, what gives?  Why won’t any of these work?”
                “I told you it wouldn’t.  If you’d have listened, I’d have told you my dad doesn’t have the key to the evidence room.  Only the people who work there can get in.  Normal cops like my dad can’t.”
                “Seriously?  You mean we came all this way for nothing?”
                “Well what about the chief’s office?  I bet he has the key.  Why don’t we try there?”
                “Won’t work.  He keeps his office locked at night, and dad doesn’t have that key either.”
                “So why does he have all these keys if they won’t do any good?”
                “Well, let’s see.”  Sam took the keys and started going through them, “This one’s for the station, this one’s for the squad car.  This one’s the normal car.  I’m pretty sure this one’s his locker.”
                “Whoa, hold on, his locker?  Does he keep his gun and stuff in there?”  Sam shrugged his shoulders.  “Let’s go check it out.  We can salvage this night yet.”
                Just then, another light filtered in through the windows.  It past by and stopped, shining in through the front.  It soon stopped and was cut off abruptly. 
                “See, this is why I said we shouldn’t be here.”  Sam said quickly, his nervous panic returning.
                “Uh, uh.” Trevor stuttered.  He had no idea what to do.  “Um, are there any good places to hide?”
                Sam nodded and started leading the way to what he hoped would be a secure hiding spot.  Once they were there, they crouched down and waited. 
                “Just so you know,” Sam whispered as the sound of a key turning in the front door reached them, “If we get caught, I’m so blaming you.”
 I'm sure they'll be fine.  Kind of.  I haven't thought of what might happen.  I'll leave that up the your imagination. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Word: Foray



\ FAWR-ey, FOR-ey \  , noun;
1. a quick raid, usually for the purpose of taking plunder: Vikings made a foray on the port .
2. a quick, sudden attack: The defenders made a foray outside the walls .
3. an initial venture: a successful foray into politics .
1. to make a raid; pillage; maraud.
2. to invade or make one's way, as for profit or adventure: foreign industries foraying into U.S. markets .
3. to ravage in search of plunder; pillage.

The small squad of five slumped with their backs to the off white wall, each of them breathing heavily from their narrow escape from the enemy.  They cradled their weapons like their lives depended on them.
                “Anyone hurt?”  Asked Derrick, the leader of the squad.  All members present said that they were all in one piece.  “Good.  How are we on ammo?”  His troops were much less willing to answer that one.
                “I got five rounds in gun, and five spares.”  Said Kelly, the lone female on the squad.  She pointed out the spare rounds for her two pistols tucked into special loops on her belt.
                “My mags half empty, but I got a full one ready.  Thirty total.”  Said Henry, the largest man on the squad.  He lifted his large weapon, a full auto that was the major muscle in the group.
                “Three shots.  No spares.”  Said Leo, one of the smaller members of the squad.  His shotgun was resting on his lap.  The thing wouldn’t help much with such a small number of shells, but anything would help at this point.
                “All I got is what’s in my gun.”  Said Chris, the squad’s marksman.  Derrick knew that was probably only one or two rounds.  But if the guy could pick off two high profile targets, that would be enough.
                “Great.”  Derrick said.  His own ammo was running low as well, having only five rounds left himself.  He did have a blade strapped to his back, but it probably wouldn’t do much good in a fire fight.  “Any ideas?” 
                The members of the squad just looked at each other with worry in their eyes.  They all knew they couldn’t win.  It was just a matter of time before the enemy got to them.  Then Kelly’s eyes lit up.
                “Wait, what about Josh?  He should be back soon.  Maybe he saw something?”  She said.
                “I’m already back.”  Came a voice from around the corner.  All members of the squad turned to look.  Josh, the smallest member of the squad had just returned from his scouting mission.
                “You alright?”  Derrick asked.
                “Yeah, I’m fine.  They didn’t see me.”
                “Good.  Anything to report?”
                “Yeah.  The enemy’s reclaimed all the ammo in their territory.  Which means they got pretty much all of it.  Thing is, there’s too much for them to carry on them.  They put the rest of it in one place.”
                “Show me.”  Derrick said, pulling out a map of the battlefield. 
                “Here.”  Josh said, pointing to a large, rectangular room.”
                “Only one.  But, he’s using the terrain to make the place into a fortress, and he’s got enough weapons to arm a small nation.”
                “But there’s only one?”  Derrick asked.  Josh nodded.  Derrick looked over the map one more time.  “We need that ammo.  So, here’s what we’re going to do.  There’s two entrances to that room, and we’re going in the farther one.  We can cut across this pass, bypassing the enemy’s main force.”  He pointed out a path through the angular area that went from their position to the target area.  “Then we go in fast, hit as hard as we can.  Hopefully take the guard out before he takes us out.  Then we grab the ammo and get out before they know what happens.  After that, we should be able to hole up somewhere and maybe even pull through.” 
                “You know it’s probably a trap.”  Chris chimed in.  “I mean, it’s too good.  A large stockpile of ammo with only one guard?  No matter how well armed he is, it’s still only one guy.  They’ll probably be waiting for us.”
                “Well then, what do you suggest we do?” Derrick asked.
                “No idea.  Let’s just think about it a bit more before we go into this little foray into a place where we won’t be able to get out easily.”
                “We don’t have much of an option.  Besides, even if it is a trap, we’ll at least go down fighting.  Now let’s get going.”
                The other members of the squad looked at each other nervously.  Derrick started down the hall, with the others walking in silent single file behind him.  Each had their respective weapons at the ready, keeping a sharp eye and ear open for any signs of the enemy. 
                They soon reached their destination.  The room was closed by a single door that all knew wouldn’t be locked.  Derrick peered in through the glass window in the door and immediately saw the guard.  He was firmly entrenched in a large pile of what had once been usable objects.  They had all been converted to protect this one man, and it would make him difficult to get to.  Derrick couldn’t see any weapons, but with all the cover the guard had, he could have quite a number of guns back there.  They’d be spotted instantly, and there was no cover.  It wouldn’t be easy to get him.  But, it had to be done.
                “Ok, I see him.  It looks bad, but I think we can do this.”
                “Really?  And how is that?” Josh asked.  Derrick ignored the sarcasm that dripped from the scouts voice.
                “Ok, so here’s what we do.  We all rush in there and spread out.  He won’t be able to get all of us at once.  Chris, keep a bead on his location.  When he comes up, get him before he ducks to reload.  We’ve gotta make this quick before he calls for backup.  All clear?”  Everyone nodded and braced themselves.
                Derrick kicked the door open and rushed in.  He heard the battle calls of his troops, and knew they were close behind him.  They scattered, just as planned.  But the guard didn’t come up to shoot.  At least, not right away.  As soon as they entered the room, the loud, ear piercing wail of an air horn issued forth from the guard’s location. 
                Not a moment later, the enemy rushed in through the other door and filled the air with gunfire.  Long, sleek rounds poured down on them like a silent hailstorm.  None of them were left untouched by the sudden onslaught.  As he fell, Derrick heard the cheers of his opponents as they celebrated their victory.
                “Next time.  I’ll get you next time.”  Derrick muttered into the floor. 
Hopefully everyone can figure out what's going on without having to be told.  Personally, I think I said enough that most will get it, but then again, I'm a bit biased.  And even if you don't immediately know, hopefully you still enjoy the story.