Monday, August 21, 2023

Word: Pulchritudinous



[ puhl-kri-tood-n-uhs, -tyood- ]
  1. physically beautiful; comely.


               Oh god, what am I doing here? What did I do to deserve this? Hell, what did she do to deserve this? No! Don’t think like that! That’s the way of failure. Provided I haven’t already failed just by being here. That can’t be the case, right? Just because she’s the single most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen doesn’t mean anything.

               Oh man, what do I say? Should I say anything? I probably should say something funny. Oh wait, I’m terrible at comedy. Curse my lack of humor! Any attempt at a joke will backfire horribly, I can already tell. Oh, a question. I can answer that, since it’s so simple. Just a question about what I do.

               Okay, good. I didn’t bite my own tongue. Yet. It’s still early. No! Bad brain! No self-sabotage. This is going to go well and we’re both going to have a great time. Yes. Yes, that is what will happen. She definitely won’t realize she can do a lot better than me and walk out. Definitely not.

                 Huh? Did she just ask a follow up question? She did. Why would she do that? It’s not like my job is too interesting. She’s probably just being polite. I guess I should do the same and ask about hers. With her looks, she’s probably a model or something. She’s not? A doctor? Of course she is. Why wouldn’t she be smarter than me? I mean, I already knew she was way out of my league, but this is crazy. I mean, I know I’m not that smart, but still.

               Hobbies? Oh man, what if she thinks I’m a huge nerd when she finds out? She’ll get bored and tune out and the date will die then and there. I guess I should answer though. No point in awkward silences making things worse. Wait, what did she just say? Did…does she…no, way. There’s no way someone like her can like that stuff. Is there?

               Let’s confirm. A more obscure questions, but not too obscure. Gotta test the waters, right? Oh my god, she does! We actually share a hobby. How in the world did that happen? There’s no way this is possible. It’s gotta be a trick, right? She’s probably being paid to be here, or she lost a bet, or this is a prank. Something! I mean, there’s no way she can be that perfect.

               Okay, okay. Meal’s over and she hasn’t left in disgust yet. That’s good. Maybe she’s even having a good time! I mean, I know I’m terrible at reading people, but she looks like she’s enjoying herself. That’s something. Unless she’s just really good at hiding how she really feels and will be leaving as soon as she can.

               Huh? Why does she want my phone? What’s she doing? Is that…is that her number? Her phone number? Did she really just give me her contacts? I…I don’t…what? How? Why? I…did I just…have a successful date? With a woman that amazing? How? How did I do that? Why is she settling for me? She could be dating movie stars or something. But she’s willing to go out with me?

               Will wonders never cease?  


Wonders, indeed. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Word: Vamoose



[ va-moos ]
verb (used without object),va·moosed, va·moos·ing.
  1. to leave hurriedly or quickly; decamp.

verb (used with object),va·moosed, va·moos·ing.
  1. to leave hurriedly or quickly from; decamp from.


               The darkness was absolute. Even the spears of light coming from the high intensity flashlights seemed to be swallowed up by the ever-present gloom. The lights belonged to three people, with each commanding one of them. The trio moved slowly, spreading their lights out as much as the darkness would allow.

               There was no sound in the vast chamber. At least, none that belonged there. The footsteps and breaths of the invaders filled the place like their lights never could. One was purposefully calm, a second was filled with panic, and the third was quick and eager.

               None of them spoke though. It felt wrong to violate the eternal silence with sound. They were already blaspheming enough as it was with what they did bring. And the light felt almost like an unforgivable sin.

               But they kept going. One flashlight flitted around the chamber like a hummingbird. The other two were more steady. Suddenly, there was a sound. A sound that did not come from any of the invaders. All three beams quickly focused on the location of the sound. Or at least, they tried to. With the size of the chamber, it was difficult to pinpoint exactly where it had come from. The lights found nothing.

               After a few moments, two of the invaders started moving again. The third was more reluctant, but followed the others. Another sound echoed out a few minutes later. It was farther away from the trio, but the response was just as rapid. The nervous member of the trio wanted to say something, but refrained. They were making enough noise as it was.

               As they went, more of the rapid, clicking sounds came and went. Soon, they were just seconds apart from each other. And there was more than one source. The sound of something clinking off stone, or scraping against it was almost everyone. Now two of the invaders were moving their lights frantically, trying to find whatever was causing the sound. Only the third was steady with their light and their steps.

               One of the sources sounded only a few feet from the trio. That was all it took. The terrified member of the group violated the unspoken agreement of silence with a scream. And then he ran. He turned towards the entrance and ran with everything he had.

               Now with two invaders remaining, one continued on, seemingly undaunted by the loss of one of their members. The other paused. Her light moved from one to the other slowly. She stopped. A brief glimpse of movement at the edge of the light. She was not even sure if it was really there. But it was all that was needed. She lost her nerve and ran. She did not scream like the first deserter, but she ran just the same.

               The last invader merely looked back at the two who had run with all their might. They chose to leave the darkness and silence. But he would not. Once the lights of the other two had faded, he grinned and turned his off. He knelt on the cold stone floor, ready and willing to accept whatever gifts the darkness had for him.


Possibly the start of either a horror or supervillain story. Well, it would be if I actually bothered with that kind of thing. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

Word: Mixtape



or mix tape

[ miks-teyp ]
  1. a recording on a cassette tape, CD, or digital medium, consisting of music or songs selected by a single person: My boyfriend made me the greatest mixtape for my birthday.

  2. such a recording consisting of music or songs personally selected by the artist, usually a hip-hop artist: His mixtape from a live performance helped propel him to stardom.


               “Hey, Grandpa?” Kevin asked.

               “Yes?” Grandpa replied, looking up from his book.

               “Grandma says you used to be really good with girls, is that true?”

               Grandpa grinned and set the book down. “I used to be. I don’t mean to brag, but I was quite the lady’s man. I had quite a few lovely ladies interested in me before your grandmother won me over. I take it you have a girl you’re interested in?”

               Kevin nodded while looking at the floor. Grandpa chuckled at his grandson’s behavior.

               “Nothing to be ashamed of. You’re 16. I’d be worried if there wasn’t any girls that caught your eye. So, have you spoken to her? Are you friends or just classmates?”

               “Both? I guess? I mean, we are in a lot of the same classes, and I do talk to her sometimes. I just, you know, don’t know how to do anything else.”

               Grandpa nodded sagely. “Good. You’ve already taken the first step. Holding a small conversation is the gateway to holding a big one. For now, just take some time to get to know her. Make friends with her, and give it some time. The worst thing you can do is rush things. Be respectful. Be polite. But don’t wait too long either. Now, it’s hard to know exactly how long to wait, since every girl is different. Sometimes you’ll wait too long, others, not long enough. And the worst part is you’ll never know until you make your move.”

               Kevin nodded. “And, what should my move be?”

               “Music, Kevin, music. Make her a mixtape filled with songs that show how you feel. That’s how I won over your grandma. As for how she won me over, well, that’s none of your business.”

               Kevin’s brow furrowed. “Uh, mixtape?”

               “Yup. The right songs will show how you feel better than words ever could.”

               Kevin went over his grandpa’s words for a moment. “By mixtape, do you mean a playlist?”


               “You know, a bunch of songs that you like so you download and have ready. Like on YouTube or something.”

               “Hm, I guess it’s similar. But it’s something you can give her. You can put it on a CD if you want.”

               “Grandpa, nobody uses CDs anymore.”

               “They don’t?” He knew people did not use cassettes. Those were going out of style when he was Kevin’s age. But CDs?

               “Nope. Everything’s digital now. Come on, you should know that, Grandpa. We went over that a while ago.”

               “Well, whatever. Do you have a way of sending her some songs that will let her know how you feel about her?”

               “Oh, sure. I can share my playlists no problem. I can make one for her easy.”

               “Good, good. It’d be better if you had something physical to give her, but I suppose that’ll do. But remember, don’t give, er, send it to her right away. Otherwise, you’ll just make her uncomfortable.”

               Kevin nodded. “And once I’ve sent her the playlist?”

               “That’s when you ask her out. If the songs don’t move her heart, you’ve got bigger problems than a rejection.”

               “Okay, thanks, Grandpa! I’ll start looking for songs right away.”

               Kevin pulled out his phone and started doing something with it. At the same time, he went off to other parts of the house. Grandpa sighed and picked up his book. No matter how technology changed, some things would always stay the same.


 I don't really have much to say about things right now. So yeah, just have a good day and all that.