Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Word: Asterism



[ as-tuh-riz-uhm ]

  1. a group of stars.
  2. a constellation.
1. a property of some crystallized minerals of showing a starlike luminous figure in transmitted light or, in a cabochon-cut stone, by reflected light.
2. three asterisks printed to draw attention to a passage it precedes.


               “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.” Kelly said as she clung to a rock wall. The harness keeping her attached to the line was not comfortable, her arms ached, and it was way too dark, even with her headlamp.

               “Don’t worry, hon, I promise it’ll be worth it one we’re there.” Mark replied.

               She noticed his voice getting slightly farther away, even as he spoke, showing that he was still descending. She grumbled. Some boyfriend he was. He could not even bother to remain in one place while talking to her. Okay, so that would mean remaining suspended from a rope in a deep cave, but still. It was the principle of the thing.

               She kicked away from the wall just enough that she could start going down at what she hoped was a controlled rate. She was glad she had worn gloves, otherwise she would be having some severe rope burn by now. Probably have worn the skin completely off.

               “How much further?” She asked.

               “Not long. About a hundred feet or so.”

               “That’s not long?”

               “Compared to how deep these caves could be? Yes. Especially since we’ve already done down about two hundred.”

               Kelly looked up, suddenly aware of how far away the surface was. She then looked down and saw him slide further down the rope. She bit her lip, considering climbing back up. But she was closer to the bottom at this point. Besides, she needed his help to get her back up. Maybe should would take up his offer to go to the gym when they got home.

               She took a deep breath and kept going. Sooner that she would have thought, her feet touched stone. It was slick with moisture, very uneven, and did not give her nearly the same level of comfort the ground at the surface did.

               “See, that wasn’t so bad.” Mark said as he unhooked her harness. She just glared at him. “Come on, our destination isn’t too far.”

               “It had better not be through any narrow tunnels. Or filled with bats. Or anything slimy.”

               “It’s not. It’s a clear path right there. A bit of a decent, but no different than going down a ramp.”

               He placed a hand on her shoulder and led her through the cave. A few minutes later, it opened up into a vast, open cavern. Stalactites and stalagmites were plentiful, and the sound of dripping water echoed off the stone walls. As Mark looked around, the beam of his headlamp glinted off small deposits of reflective minerals.

               “Okay, we’re here.” He said. “Now, turn your light off.”

               “What?” Kelly asked sharply. “There is no way I’m going anywhere in the dark.”

               “Trust me, turn it off. It’ll be fine. We don’t have to go anywhere.”

               He clicked his own light off. She sighed and grumbled as she plunged the cave into darkness. She waited several seconds for something to happen, and was about to turn her light back on when the room changed. Somehow, the minerals in the walls began to glow. Each one was not very bright, but there were hundreds of them. Kelly gasped at the sight.

               “Oh my god.” She said. “They’re like stars.”

               “See? I told you it would be worth it.”

               She looked in awe at the glowing pinpricks of light. It really was like the night sky down there. She even swore she saw constellations if she tried hard enough.

               “It’s beautiful.” She said wistfully. “I never thought it be like this.”

               “Yeah.” He agreed. “First time I saw this place, I knew you’d like it.”

               She ran her hands over the nearest wall, feeling the bumps and grooves. She traced one of the glowing minerals. She could almost imagine she was touching a cold star.

               “Oh god, I had to take pictures.” She said suddenly. She fumbled around in the dark until she found her camera. The light made the star-like stones wink out, but they came back soon enough once she dimmed it.

               “See? I told you it’d be worth it.” He said.

               “Okay, yeah, you did. And it is.” She admitted.

               As she took her photos, she lost herself in the light. She even forgot about the climb back up. 


 I wonder if this kind of thing actually exists. It's be pretty neat if it did.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Word: Circadian


[ sur-key-dee-uhn, -kad-ee-, sur-kuh-dee-uhn ]
noting or pertaining to rhythmic biological cycles recurring at approximately 24-hour intervals.


             Chris lay in bed, wide awake. He had no idea why. It was dark, his girlfriend was fast asleep, and he could hear crickets outside the window. Everything told him he should be sleeping. He rolled over to see the dim glow of his clock. 1:34 am. Just another reminder that he should be asleep. But for some reason, he could not do it. He closed his eyes, tried counting sheep, and just lay there.

               It had been happening to him a lot recently. His body’s daily rhythms were all out of sync with the rest of the world, and they never held to any pattern. One day he could be functioning normally, and the next his body swore it was midnight at eight in the morning. Right now, his body was convinced it was the middle of the day, even though everything else said otherwise.

               He slowly crawled out of bed, careful not to wake the sleeping woman next to him. She was as frustrated with his body’s uncooperative nature as he was, so the less he could disturb her the better. He crept through their apartment, doing his best not to make any noise in the pitch-black space. All the while, he thought about why this could be happening.

               It had been a recent development, he knew that. It had only started a week ago. What had changed at that time? The only thing he could think of was that he had gotten sick and been put on a new medication. The doctor had told him there could be a few unexpected side effects, but Chris had assumed they would be things like headache or stomach pain. Not a complete rewiring of his body’s sense of time.

               He retrieved his phone and used it as a flashlight, making his way to the kitchen, where the suspect pills were stored. The pills themselves looked fairly normal, just small, circular pills. He shined the light on the bottle, but it had nothing about side effects. He had thrown that list away soon after getting the medication, as he did with all others.

               The next place to look was the internet. A quick search showed him the list of side effects. A complete disruption of a person’s sleep cycle was not listed among them. So, it was probably not the pills, unless the manufacturers were hiding a few side effects. He supposed that could be possible, but how would the clinical trials not see it? He set the bottle back in its place and headed back to bed.

               He would make sure to call the doctor about his problem in the morning. If it was due to an unknown side effect of the medication, he wanted to know. This was something that was altering his life. He needed to know the cause. And if his doctor was not able to help him, he would find someone who could. His social circle, sanity, and maybe even his life, depended on it.


Not much to say today. Maybe the start of something bigger? Probably not, but maybe.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Word: Crapulous



[ krap-yuh-luhs ]
1. given to or characterized by gross excess in drinking or eating.
2. suffering from or due to such excess.


               Ben carried the tray through the brightly lit hall. He had been going over the events of the last few hours in his head, and still had not come to a satisfactory conclusion as to why he was here. Oh he knew where he was. He was in the Tower of Plenty, a place everyone dreamed of reaching. The outside was a hellscape of famine and loss, but in the Tower, there was everyone one could ever want.

               But only a select few could ever get into the Tower. Nobody knew why someone was chosen, but every so often a person was brought there. Ben did not know what he had done to deserve to get in, but here he was. When he had entered, the only thing he had been told was to eat and enjoy life. His tray was laden with more food than he had ever seen at once, and he was walking passed people who were eating heartily.

               He sat down next to a man who was busy eating. The man was an older fellow, maybe in his middle years, and had apparently spent a great many of the in the Tower. Ben glanced at his new table companion, who seemed oddly transfixed by his meal. There was something off about the man though. Something that Ben could not quite place.

               “Hey.” Ben said quietly. “I’m Ben, nice to meet you.”

               The large man huffed, paused just long enough to swallow, then resumed eating. Ben stomached the rudeness. Maybe just talking to people out of the blue like that was considered rude here? Well, he had no way of knowing, so he decided to continue.

               “It’s my first day here. Haven’t even touched anything yet, but man it all looks good. Got any advise for a newbie?” Still no answer. “Right, well, you’re clearly enjoying your meal, so I’ll let you get back to it.”

               Ben picked up a piece of bread and raised it to his mouth. Something bumped into him. The large man’s elbow had come out as he gnawed on a bone. The limb returned to the table, and Ben shrugged. He went to take a bit of his food, when the man’s elbow hit him again.

               Ben turned to look at the man sharply. “Hey, now, watch the elbow.”

               The man’s eyes swiveled to look at Ben for a brief moment. In that short time, Ben saw something. His eyes were red and swollen. Tear tracks ran down his hefty face, easily seen due to the amount of residue clinging to his mottled skin.

               Ben raised the bread to his mouth while watching his neighbor. As soon as he did, the man took notice and shoved his elbow out, interrupting the younger man’s meal. The older man’s eyes darted around the room. Ben looked and saw things he had not seen before. The many people in the Tower were eating like their lives depended on it. But there was something else. They looked afraid, or sad, or even in pain. Nobody looked happy to be there.

               His neighbor fiddled with his plate and fork for a moment as the food ran out. He moved the used dish aside and stood. His large body lumbered away, towards the head table where food was piled high. Ben looked at the leftovers. There was a message there.

               Dont eat. If you do youll never stop. Get out.

               A person across from him, a large woman, shoved a mostly empty plate towards him. Like before, there was a short message there.

               Too late for us olders. Get the youngers out. Please.

               Ben stood, leaving his plate untouched. He was hungry, of course, but there was something going on in the Tower. Something he needed to do before he could have his meal. He just had to figure out what that something was.


Remember, too much of a good thing is just as bad as not enough. Moderation is key in a great many things.