Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Word: concatenate



\ kon-KAT-n-eyt \  , verb;
1. To link together; unite in a series or chain.
1. Linked together, as in a chain.

    The late autumn air was crisp, with a light breeze stirring up the fallen leaves, making them move through the air like dancers.  The sounds of children laughing and shouting filled the air while they ran around looking for their next big score.  Some of them moved in a way that only large amounts of sugar can bring to small bodies, fueling their scavenging like nothing else can, while their parents and older siblings frantically tried to keep up with the hyperactive children.  Even the setting sun did its part to bring the mood of the day to it’s peak, casting it’s brilliant red-orange light over the street from the cloudless sky.
    All this was lost on Ben, who was currently laying face down in a pile of soft dirt and leaves.  The only sound that he could hear of importance was the raucous laughter of his friends, who chose to make fun of his situation rather than help him up.  Ben didn’t share in seeing the humor of the current situation.
    He and his two friends, Ed and Carl, had chosen to save some money by pooling their limited funds into one big group costume for Halloween.  For some reason they thought a chain gang would be a good idea.  Ben’s current position was due to him tripping over the thick plastic chain fastened to his ankle.  He was just glad the ground was soft, and so avoided any serious injury.  Even so, the taste of dirt and leaves in his mouth was putting a huge damper on the otherwise enjoyable night he had been having up to that point.
    “You guys could at least help me up.”  Was the first thing he said, spitting up a stray leaf that had stubbornly remained in this mouth while sitting up.
    “Why?  I think you should roll around a bit more.  Makes the costume look more authentic.” Said Ed, laughing through his words.  He and Carl laughed even harder at the joke.
    “Oh really?”  Said Ben, grabbing the length of chain around Ed’s leg, “Well then maybe you should join me.”  He yanked hard on the chain, pulling Ed’s leg out from under him.  Ed fell hard on his backside and slumped down onto the soft ground.  Carl laughed all the harder at the sight.
    “You too.”  Ben said, repeating the action on Carl, who had finally stopped laughing now that he too was on the ground.  This time it was Ben’s turn to laugh at the other two.  They just looked at each other and joined in.  It took awhile for their laughing to die down and for the three of them to finally start to help each other up.
    “So why did we think this was a good idea again?”  Ben asked, dusting himself off.
    “I think we were watching some cheap prison movie or something.”  Carl said, stretching out his unchained leg.  “Guess we figured that was as good idea as any, so we went with it.”
    “Man we can so dumb sometimes.”  Ed said, picking up a few of the things the trio had dropped when they fell.  It was mostly bags of candy they had managed to coax out of people they visited, but also included plastic tools they had taken with then.
    “Guess that’s why we put up with each other.”  Ben said, taking the plastic shovel that was being offered to him.
    “Only until someone better comes along.”  Carl said, and then was immediately struck on the head with his sledgehammer before grabbing the fake tool out of Ed’s hands.  
    “Well then, shall we head off?”  Ed said, shouldering his pickaxe, imitating to motion from so many movies.  
    “Indeed we shall.”  Ben said, holding both his bag of candy and shovel in what he hoped was a dramatic motion.  “For we still have much to accomplish on this night.”
    “Yup.  Gotta show these little kids what a real sugar rush is after all.”  Carl said, casting his gaze at the children that had come to see what the commotion was about.  The three lined up in a row and shuffled off, making a very large effort into making their chain jangle as they went.
Nothing much to say today.  Although, now I wonder if anyone reading this will try to make a costume like this when Halloween comes. 
shuffled off, making a very large effort into making their chain jangle as they went.

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