Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Word: Foremost



\ FAWR-mohst, -muhst, FOHR- \  , adjective, adverb;
1. first in place, order, rank, etc.: the foremost surgeons .

                I can do this.  I’m so close.  Just a few more feet, and I’ll win!  Finally, I’m going to win!  I’ve never come in first before, and now it’s finally going to happen.  I’m finally going to show people that I can be good at something.  They always said the only thing I was the best at was losing.  Well, look at me now!  I’m in first place, and that’s not gonna change!
                Wait, I am in first place, right?  I don’t see anyone in front of me, so I must be.  I’d better check.  NO!  Looking anywhere but right in front of me is a waste of energy.  Keep my eyes on the finish line, that’s the best way.  So close.  So close to no longer losing.  I’ll be good that things.  Maybe I can finally become the best at something.  Well, other than being in last place.  Because I’m in first now, and nobody can change that!
                Wait, what was that?  Did I just kick something?  Nah.  Couldn’t be.  The track is clean and smooth.  Nothing to trip over here.  But then, why is the ground getting closer really fast?  Huh.  I guess I did trip over something.  Well, that doesn’t matter too much.  I’ve heard of people tripping in races and still winning.  That’s what I’ll d.  Heck, it doesn’t even hurt very much.  I can keep going.  I’m still in first, after all.  This might even be a good thing.  If I trip and fall, but still win, that’ll make me seem even better to others.  I just have to stand up and go.
                Hold on, why isn’t my leg working right?  My right leg is working fine, but my left doesn’t seem to want to move.  Hmm.  Well, I’m sure my lead is big enough that I can still go, right?  Wait, why is everyone stopping?  I haven’t finished yet, and I don’t think anyone else has either.  Is there something wrong with the finish line or the track or something?  I didn’t see anything. 
                And who are these guys?  They’re not runners.  In fact, they look like EMTs.  Oh, right.  That’s because they are.  Duh.  Why do I need them though?  It’s only a scratch.  It’s not like that ever stopped anyone.  Hey now, they’re getting in my way.  I’m trying to run here, and they’re trying to keep me on the ground.  That’s not cool.  Dude, they’re not even listening to me.  I keep telling them I’m fine.  It’s like they don’t believe me or something.
                Hm?  Wait, what’s that?  That lump wasn’t there before.  In fact, my leg looks kinda weird.  It’s all bendy and stuff.  I’m pretty sure I’m not double jointed or anything.  Actually, none of the bends are in the normal place.  Ow.  What was that?  Why is my leg starting to hurt so much?  Well, I can’t let a little pain stop me.  I’ve got a race to win.  I gotta show people I can be the best at something, right? 
                Wow, my leg is really hurting.  Like, really bad.  Is it that big lump in there?  Or is it that my foot is kinda…twisted?  Or maybe it’s both.  OW!  Hey, man, that hurt!  I thought these guys were supposed to be helping me, and here they are stuffing my leg into some kind of clamp or something.  Wow, this really hurts.  Why does it…Oh.  Oh dear.  I broke my leg, didn’t I?  Wow, that sucks.  Now how am I gonna show people what I can do.  At this rate, I’ll just be the best loser who got hurt on a smooth running track.  That’s not cool.  Man, this hurts really bad.  Well, I guess I’ll think about it after…I… 
I'm sure (s)he'll be fine. I'll leave exactly what happens to your imagination though. 

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