Monday, March 6, 2017

Word: Fusillade


/ˈfyu səˌleɪd, -ˌlɑd, -zə-/
1. a simultaneous or continuous discharge of firearms.
2. a general discharge or outpouring of anything:
a fusillade of questions.
verb (used with object), fusilladed, fusillading.
3. to attack or shoot by a fusillade.

              “Sir, are you sure you want this many troops for this?  I mean, there’s only two of them.” The Captain asked.
                He gazed out through the powerful military binoculars at the target.  They were small, and did not seem at all threatening.
                “Absolutely positive.” The General replied, looking at the same thing through his binoculars.  “Trust me, we need to be extremely careful with those two.”
                “But, sir, they look so…harmless.  I mean, look at them.”
                “Captain, do you know what those two did?”
                “No, sir.”
                “Those two broke out of a secure facility.  A facility specifically designed to contain the worst our army has to offer.  And when I say broke out, I mean it in the most literal sense.  That facility has doors that can stand up to missiles without buckling, and those two plowed through them without slowing down.  So yes, Captain, I am sure we need this many troops.  In fact, if anything, we don’t have enough.”
                “Y-you have to be kidding me, sir.  There’s no way those two can do something like that.”
                “Does like look like the face of someone joking, boy?” The General asked his subordinate.  The older man’s face was covered with hard lines developed by years in the service.  And there was not a bit of humor in his cold eyes.
                “N-no, sir.” The Captain said quickly.  “It’s just that…well…”
                The General held up his hand, stopping the thought from being spoken.  “I know.  I know what they look like.  But make no mistake, they might look innocent and playful enough, but they’re monsters.  They have no remorse, no limits, no restraint.  Right now, those two are the most dangerous things in the world, and there’s nothing controlling them.  We are the only thing keeping them from destroying the world.”
                The Captain shivered.  He looked at the targets again.  They were running around the otherwise empty field.  Then they spotted the gathered army.  One of them pointed in out and said something to the other.  They laughed and started running towards the gathered war machines and troops.  They ran haphazardly, and stopped often to look at something that caught their eye.
                The General raised his hand, signaling the troops to ready themselves.  The infantry trained heavy assault rifles as the approaching figures.  Many of them shouldered rocket launchers and RPGS instead of guns, all trained on the two approaching targets.  Tanks crews loaded the heavy shells and the turrets swiveled into position.  None of them knew they were aiming at the two small forms approaching them, but orders were orders.
                The General shouted and dropped his fist.  The air rang out with the sound of gun and cannon fire.  The continuous stream of bullets and shells sped through the air, looking to hit the targets almost immediately after being fired.  The air around them filled with smoke and dust.  That was soon replaced by bouts of fire as rockets struck home. 
                From the flames emerged two small bodies, unharmed by the assault.  The General ordered the troops to keep firing.  To shoot as long and as often as they could.  Despite the sheer number of guns unloading a countless number of high-caliber bullets into the targets, they kept approaching.  Tank shells struck the small bodies without any signs of damage.  Rockets exploded almost continuously to no effect.  The endless assault did nothing to deter the approaching forms. 
                After several minutes of continuous attack, the two figures reached the first line of the army.  What ensued was not a battle.  It was a massacre.  Men were flung around like toys.  Tanks were ripped apart with the ease of paper.  Heavy equipment was destroyed and bodies flew into the air.  Soldiers ran for their lives, only to be mowed down be a piece of a tank that had been thrown at them, or else the body of another soldier. 
                The Captain looked on in horror at the devastation that was happening.  He was sorry he had ever doubted the General’s words.  It was far too late to regret it though.  Far too late for anything.  The two destroyers ran through the army, sewing carnage as they passed.  It was not long before they got to the Captain.  He pulled out his sidearm and fired, knowing it was useless.  He had to do something though.  Something to slow down his own demise even for a second.
                As his feet left the ground, the Captain looked at the face of his killer.  The face which he had thought was so innocent and harmless that it could not have done any damage.  The smiling, laughing face of a six-year old child.  
The day little kids get super powers is the day the world as we know it ends.  Think about it.  A normal six-year old has no concept of restraint, so they go all out in everything they do.  No imagine that, plus the ability to lift cars.  Yeah, it's not pretty.  It will be a grim day in the lives of candy and toy shop owners everywhere should that ever come to pass.  A grim day indeed.  

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