Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Word: Terpsichorean



[ turp-si-kuh-ree-uhn, turp-si-kawr-ee-uhn, -kohr- ]


pertaining to dancing.
(initial capital letter) of or relating to Terpsichore.


a dancer.


               The fog was unusually thick. So thick that Evan could barely see his own hands in front of his face. But, he knew the way. He had walked this way so many times that he could do it with his eyes closed. He was more worried about the moisture ruining his clothes. If that happened, he would probably get chewed out by his boss. Again.

               He sighed, breathing in the damp air. It was cool and oddly refreshing, but he still hoped it would start thinning out soon. Work was rough at the best of times and going into the office with damp clothes was bound to make it worse, even if his boss did not take note of it.

               A flash of movement caught his eye. When he looked, there was nothing there. Another flash in his peripherals. This time he was faster. He definitely saw something moving through the fog. He looked wildly around until he saw the source.

               It was a woman. At least, he thought it was. She was pure white and wore a dress to match. In fact, she looked like she was made of clouds instead of flesh. That thought was reinforced by the fact that she was dancing through the clouds in midair. She twisted and turned in an animated, joyous dance set to music that only she could hear.

               Her smile was infectious, and Evan felt the corner of his lips start to lift. It was something that had not happened in years. He had even begun to wonder if he remembered how to smile. Watching the cloud woman tumble, twist and turn through the air reminded him. Watching her made him feel light, as if the last few years had never happened.

               The woman turned to face him, and her smile grew even wider. She danced around him in elegant, airborne pirouettes. He almost felt like he could join her. All he had to do was take a step up, like walking up a set of stairs. His feet refused to do so, even if his spirit was willing.

               She stopped dancing in front of him and held out her hand. He stood there, considering what to do. Should he take the offered hand? Would he be able to? What would happen if he did? Did he care?

               He reached out and slowly took hold of her hand. It did not feel like he thought it would. He was worried he would pass right through her, like he did the fog. But she was just as solid as he was. It felt like it was coated with cool water, but it was solid. The woman laughed silently and resumed her dance.

               Evan was pulled along with her. His feet were no longer tethered to the ground as he fell into the rhythm of the silent dance. He began moving in time with her, feeling his body, mind and soul grow lighter with each passing second. He no longer cared what was happening to him, or what would happen if he did not return to the ground. He wanted to stay there. To keep dancing among the clouds with his new companion.

               The fog cloud moved with the wind, rising up into the sky until it was no more than another cloud. Nobody would even remember the person who rose up with it, dancing forever through the sky.


I think I'm getting sick, so I've got nothing to say right now. Enjoy the story, I suppose.

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