Friday, May 17, 2024

Word: Illimitable



[ ih-lim-i-tuh-buhl ]


  1. incapable of being limited; limitless; boundless.


               The teens gathered around the table. The cellar was dark, damp and dimly lit. The table and chairs were filthy. And none of them cared. The spiderwebs in the corners may as well not have been there, and the moldy boxes were all but invisible. All that mattered was the small bag in the center of them.

               Inside the bag were four pills. One for each of them. They looked so normal. Four small tablets. By all appearance, they were no different than any over-the-counter painkiller. But these were far more than that.

               “Are…are you sure these are them?” One of the four asked. “They look so…normal.”

               “Pretty sure that’s the point.” Another said. “They can’t really be labeled in a bottle that says “Super illegal drugs here.”

               “Shhh…” Said the third. “Don’t say that. I don’t want my dad to know we’re here. And that we have this stuff.” The boy looked to the stairs leading out of the cellar, trying to see something that was not there.

               “Pff. He won’t hear anything. None of our parents will. They’re all watching the game. Now come on, we got the damn things, we should take them.” The final teen said.

               He reached for the bag and removed one of the pills. He brought it to his mouth, but waited, looking pointedly at the others. With much more hesitation, they all took one of the remaining pills. One of them counted down. At the final number, they all swallowed their pill.

               “So, how long until it takes effect?” The third boy asked. He looked like he was going to try and throw it back up. Or at least, he was eyeing an empty corner.

               “Shouldn’t be too long.” The second boy said.

               And sure enough, the pills kicked in. Each of the four froze. Their eyes opened wide as each was hit by the full effect. While the specifics would vary between each of them, all had the same sense. The sense of expansion. Of a consciousness that grew beyond their mortal forms. Each saw different sights. Whole alien vistas or the world too small to see. Of great battles and tearful reunions. Of people and places that were beyond all human comprehension.

               For a time, their minds were truly free. Limitless consciousnesses that spanned all of time and space.  They touched stars and read books that no human knew existed. They rode the tails of comets and bathed in cosmic baths of stardust. For that time, there was nothing and nobody that could bind them. They were without fetter and without limit.

               Time passed, with the four teens lost in a dream of omniscience. None of them knew how long the drug’s effects would last, or if they would ever really end. One never knew when taking the drug. And so, the four boys, lost in their dream, would go on until the effects wore off, or their minds no longer cared to return to the confines of the body. When dealing with the drug known as Limitless, nobody knew which dose might be the last.  


Not much to say today. Enjoy the story and all that. 

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