Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Word: Eyesome



[ ahy-suhm ]


  1. pleasant to look at.


               When Ben woke up, he was on a beach. A sprawling, white sand beach. The gently lapping waves of the ocean were soothing and formed interesting patterns in the sand. Behind him was an array of tropical plants, forming a colorful barrier separating the surf from the land. It was beautiful. Idyllic, even. Practically something out of a postcard.

               And Ben had no idea where he was. He tried to remember where he had come from, but he kept drawing a blank. He remembered the smell of chemicals and lights that were a bit too bright. The details of anything about his former location were missing though.

               Well, if he had to wake up in an unknown location, at least it was a nice place. Not like some of the stories he had read where the protagonist wakes up in a deep dark forest. No, a peaceful beach was a fine place to have been spirited away to.

               The sound of soft footsteps on the sand reached his ears. He turned to see who was there. It was a woman. And she was just ass beautiful as the beach. That is, she looked right out of a magazine. Features so flawless he was not sure if it was natural or due to some very expensive makeup. A light, almost translucent sundress that hinted at her curves in the gentle breeze. She even wore a beach hat to shield her face from the sun.

               Really, she was the kind of woman one would expect to find on a beach like this. She stopped in front of him and gave a gentle smile.

               “Hello.” She said simply.

               “Uh, hi.”

               “You’re new here, yes?”

               “Considering I don’t even know where I am, I’d say so.”

               “Oh you don’t need to worry about things like that. It’s not important. What is important is that you’re here now.”

               Ben was not so sure. He could think of several reasons why knowing his current location was important. Just knowing how he got there from his previous location would answer a lot of things. He still had no idea where that was. He recalled some kind of rhythmic beeping. And lots of people coming and going. Yes, there were definitely more people. Some of them might even be worried about him.

               “Are you sure?” Ben asked. “I mean, knowing where I am seems pretty important.”

               “Quite sure.” The woman said. “But if you really want to know, I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon enough. I would recommend not thinking about it though. Those thoughts don’t end well.”

               “What do you mean?”

               “Oh just that others who think about minor things like that tend to not do well. It ruins things for them. And why would you want to ruin all of this for anyone?” She asked, spreading her arms wide and doing a small spin.

               “It is a nice place.” Ben admitted. He was not sure why knowing where he was would cause problems, but he could think about that later. “So, if you’re not going to tell me where we are, can you at least show me around? There is more here than the beach, right?”

               The woman seemed to perk up right away. “Oh, yes. Lot’s more. More than you could do in a hundred lifetimes.” She went to his side and hooked an arm around his and gently guided him away from the beach. “Come on, I’ll give you the tour. At least, part of it. There’s so much here that it would be hard to show you everything on your first day.”

               The two of them walked towards the vegetation, the woman talking about some of the many things to do. As they went, Ben thought he felt something brush against his back. Feathers? It felt like feathers, but he did not see any birds around, nor did the woman have anything with feathers on it. Oh well, it was a faint feeling, so he probably just imagined it. He would figure it all out later. After all, he had all the time in the world. 


Okay, it's pretty clear what's happening, right? Like, it's not that hard to figure out? Okay, just making sure everyone's on the same page here.

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