Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Word: Theocracy



[ thee-ok-ruh-see ]

noun, plural the·oc·ra·cies.
  1. a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.
  2. a system of government by priests claiming a divine commission.
  3. a commonwealth or state under such a form or system of government.

    Sammy heard Mommy and Daddy talking in the grown-up room. They called it a study, but to him, it was the grown-up room. He liked it better that way. He had just come home from school, and was eager to tell them all about it. Mostly to show them the picture he drew. He stopped at the door and heard them speaking.

    “He’s too young. We can’t tell him. Not yet, anyway.” Mommy said.

    “I know, I know. But do you have a better alternative? The white guard is breathing down our necks and the reds aren’t far behind. If we don’t tell him now, we might not get the chance.”

    “We can bow out. Nobody will blame us. Not with Sam around.”

    Sammy had no idea what they were talking about. Why would the guard be after Mommy and Daddy? The white guard especially were their friends. Only bad guys got chased by the guards. The teacher-priests had told him that, and they couldn’t tell lies. It was against the Book. At least, that’s what everyone said.

    Sammy opened the door. Mommy and Daddy stopped talking and looked at him. Mommy immediately headed over to him and gave him a big hug.

    “Hey there, Sammy. You’re home early.” She said.

    “Uh-huh. The drivers said that God was happy with us, so He gave us a clear way home.”

    Daddy did not look happy for a little bit. But he soon smiled and joined Mommy.

    “Oh he did, huh? Well, we’ll have to…to thank him later, won’t we?”

    “Uh-huh.” Sammy said happily. “What were you talking about? Are there any bad guys here?”

    “What? Why would you think there’s bad guys here?” Mommy asked.

    “I heard you say the white guard are around, and they only go after bad guys.”

    Daddy gave the little laugh he did when he thought something was funny, even when it wasn’t.

    “Bad guys. Sure. Sometimes they do. Other times?”

    Mommy gave Daddy her best mean look. It was the look she gave when she did not want someone to do something. Sammy frowned. He did not know what was going on, but he knew it was something. Maybe something bad.

    “What do you mean?” He asked. Mommy and Daddy looked scared for a moment. Then Daddy got down on one knee. That was how Sammy knew something important was happening.

    “Do you know what a theocracy is?” He asked. Sammy shook his head. “It’s when the church rules a country. It’s what we have.”

    “But our country is ruled by God. The teacher-priests said so.”

    “They might be teachers, but they’re still priests. They’re still members of the church, buddy. But that’s not important. What is important is that some members of the church are bad guys. They do all kinds of bad things while saying they’re good. They do all kinds of bad, terrible things in the name of god. And, since they’re the ones in charge, nobody can say anything to make them stop.”

    Sammy was confused. The priests were the ones who spoke for God. There was no way they could be bad. Daddy was not done talking though.

    “Well, some people think that the priests shouldn’t be in charge anymore. That they should be punished for doing bad things. But they don’t want to be punished, so they tell the guards to get these people. The priests call them bad names and make everything think they’re the bad guys, even when they want to make the country better.”

    Sammy was getting more and more confused. None of what Daddy was saying made any sense to him. He was about to ask a question when Mommy spoke up.

    “How about we talk about this later?” She said, looking hard at Daddy. “You can tell us all about your day at school and I’ll make dinner. And we can talk about other things.” She said the last two words differently, like she wanted to make sure Daddy heard those words more than the rest.

    “Of course, dear. We’ll talk about other things.” Daddy said with a big smile that even Sammy could tell he did not mean.

    Sammy had so many questions to ask now. But it seemed like Mommy did not want him to ask them. Maybe someday they would tell him. Until then, he would make sure that the white guard did not think anyone at his home was bad guys.


    I don't think I really did an adequate job telling how scary a situation like this could be. And what's worse is that it might not be completely realistic. Seriously, this is one election away from becoming a reality in the US. And that should scare everyone. 

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