Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Word: Idem


\ AHY-dem, ID-em \  , pronoun;
1. the same as previously given or mentioned.

Grena waited impatiently in the opulent waiting room.  Her eyes looked around at the many magical items dotting the room.  Most of them were purely decorative.  Others were on display to show the abilities of the Master Enchanter.  She didn’t necessarily mind the obvious showboating.  It just meant she was in the right place.  She just hoped it would be worth the month it took to get an appointment with him.
               A gilded door on the far end of the room opened and a tall, spindly woman stepped out.  She gave Grena a small bow in greeting.
               “The Master will see you now.”  She said.  Grena stood and returned the sign of respect to the woman before entering the room behind the door.
               The Master Enchanter was a worn man in his evening years. The many lines that crossed his face and grey hair were a testament to his age that he seemed to wear like a badge of honor.  He looked at Grena with bored eyes that matched his hair. 
               “Yes, what is it?”  He asked.
               “Master, I have brought what I believe to be…”
               “Stop.”  The Master said, cutting Grena off.  She did her best to hide her annoyance at the interruption.
               “Let me guess.  You’ve found the most important magical find in a century, right?  I’ve heard it all before, and it’s always exactly the same.  Show it to one of the apprentices if you must.”
               “But, sir, I really have found the most important magical find.  And I don’t think it’s just this century either.  I believe it’s the most important find in recorded history.”  She said as firmly as she dared.  The Master looked at her for a minute.  She was tempted to just set the bottle on his desk and be done with it, but she needed his permission just to approach his desk.
               “I’m sure you feel that way.  But from your robes you are a practitioner of the Arcane, are you not?  I don’t think you qualify to be the judge of what is and is not important.”
               “With all due respect, Master, I have studied some enchantment during my schooling.  Not enough to make anything of significance, but enough to read an enchantment.  I have done so with this, and it is worthy of your attention.  I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t sure of that.”
               The Master sighed and regarded her with eyes that spoke of his frustration.  She knew he had probably dealt with people exactly like her before.  They had all probably said something exactly like she did, and had most likely been proven wrong. 
               “Fine, fine.  Let me see it.”  He said. 
               Grena set the small golden bottle on his desk.  The Master took it and closed his eyes.  It was with no small satisfaction that she watched his expression go from bored and uninterested to surprise to downright fear.
               “I see.”  He said once he had finished.  He immediately began writing something on a piece of parchment.  “Take this…abomination to the Deconstructors with this note.  They’ll make sure to dispose of this properly.”
               “Sir, I’m sorry, but I’m not sure that’s the best thing to do.”
               “Oh?  I hope you’re not thinking of using it.”
               “Not as it is.  But perhaps it could be changed?”
               The Master leaned back in his seat with his hands locked in front of him.  This was not something he had ever heard before, and so had caught his attention.
               “What do you mean?”
               “Well, sir, as it is this is the most dangerous object in the world.  But perhaps there is a way to turn this divine prison into a vessel?  Instead of imprisoning a deity against its will, make it so that the deity is willing to lend its power to a mortal.  Make it an exchange type situation.  The god or goddess enters into a contract with a mortal, using the bottle as a channel.  They store a portion of their power in it for mortal use in exchange for the holder performing a task that the deity is unable to do on the mortal plane.  That will not only make it an extreme benefit to both man and god, but will also eliminate the cost of mental energy it currently requires.”  Grena said enthusiastically.  She had been working on the idea for quite some time, and it felt good to finally be able to say it.
               “Hm, it’s not a bad idea.  Certainly what you say has a great deal of merit.  But it may not be possible.”
               “What do you mean, sir?”
               “This is a highly advanced enchantment.  It is very complex and very dangerous.  As I said, it may not be possible to alter something like this.  And even if it is, it is beyond even my power.”
               “So, it’s impossible?”  She asked, crestfallen.
               “Not impossible.  Remember, I said power, not skill.  If I had help, it may be possible.”
               “S-so then.”  The Master took out another sheet of parchment and began writing again.  This note was much longer and more complex than the first one.
               “Go to the High Magister and show him both the bottle and this note.  I’ll ensure you get in to see him right away.  With his help, and maybe a few more, it should be possible to alter this thing as you have presented.”
               “Y-yes, sir, I’ll go immediately.”  She grabbed both the note and the bottle.  She had to restrain herself from running out the door, and only just managed to show the proper respect to the Master Enchanter.
               Once clear of his office though, she couldn’t help but run.  Not only was she seeing the High Magister, which in and of itself was an honor, but he might even put an idea she came up with into practice.  This was going to be a good day.
Hmm, not sure if this story really fits the word, but I did my best.  It's just that I've been holding on to this one for almost as long as I have been the other story about my fantasy group.  It's just taken so long to find the right word, and this is close enough.  There probably would be better at some point, but oh well.  Now I just have to figure out what comes next.

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