Monday, April 13, 2015

Word: Derring-do

Definitions for derring-do
  1. daring deeds; heroic daring.

Oh god, it’s hot in here.  Why is it so hot?  I mean, yeah, fire is hot and all, but isn’t the suit supposed to make it, you know, not hot?  Well, less hot anyway.  I guess the inside of this thing is always hot, isn’t it?  I mean, couldn’t they have put a fan in here or something.  An ice pack maybe?  I guess it wouldn’t help much, but still.
                Oh god, what was that?  The building isn’t collapsing, is it?  I don’t want to be trapped in here.  This is only my first time, I can’t die yet.  I haven’t gotten to do anything cool yet.  Oh god, that beam’s about to fall, isn’t it?  No, no it’s staying up.  Please, god don’t let anything fall on me.
                Man this smoke is thick.  How am I supposed to find anyone in here?  And, you know, not fall to my fiery death from collapsed floorboard or something.  That’d be pretty bad to.  I can see the headlines now:  Rookie fireman falls to his doom in burning building.  Actually, that doesn’t sound too bad.  At least people will say I was trying to save someone, right? It’s probably better than getting pinned under a burning support beam while running out of the building, right? 
                Hm?  What was that?  Was that…yup, there is definitely someone in here.  Where are you…geeze I can’t see a thing other than fire in this smoke.  Ah, there!  Looks like…yup, a kid with a baby.  How in the world did she get here?  I mean, didn’t her parents do anything?  Ok, let’s not think about that for now.  Just worry about getting them out first, then worry about that stuff.
                “Hey!”  Did she hear me?  Okay, yeah, she heard me.  And now she’s running.  Why’s she running?  Oh, right.  Why’d they make these suits look so terrifying to kids?  “Wait, kid!  I’m a good guy!  I’m here to get you out of here!”  There we go, that did it.
                “Yup.  I’m a fire fighter.”  Wow, that was quick.  One second the kid’s terrified, the next it looks like she wants an autograph or something.  Now I just have to figure out how to get them out.  Should I just carry them?  No, that’d be a bad idea.  This gear’s already heavy enough as is.  Plus, the girl might know not to breathe in too much smoke, but the baby sure doesn’t.  Damn it, this would be so much easier if there was only one of them.  “Ok, I want you to take the baby and stick really close to me, ok?  Move as close to the ground as possible.”
                “Um, mister?”  Oh god, what now.  “I don’t think I can walk.”  Why can’t she…Ugh, that’s nasty.  What’d she do to twist her leg like that?  Welp, now I’ve gotta carry them out.  Here goes nothing.
                “Alright.  What I want you to do is wrap something around your mouth and nose and then d the same for the baby, ok?  That’s a good girl.  Now, up we go.”
                Oh god, why’s she so heavy?  What are her parent’s feeding this kid?  She doesn’t look like she’s this heavy.  Kids should not feel like sacks of bricks.  At least she’s holding on tight enough.  Oh god, what’s that?  That wasn’t there before.  Oh man, it’s the beam.  Well, I guess it’s good that it didn’t fall on me, right? 
                Okay, okay.  From here it doesn’t look so bad.  I should be able to climb over it, even without my arms. Hah!   Knew I could do it.  And it didn’t collapse or anything!  Now I just need everything to do the same thing.  Now, how’re the kids.  Looks like the girl’s ok.  The baby?  Man, I don’t know anything about babies, but it looks ok.  Wait, is it bad that it’s not crying?  I mean, shouldn’t it be screaming its head off?  The girl was bawling something fierce, so why isn’t the baby?  I’ll let the paramedics worry about that once I get them out.
                Man this building’s big.  Was it this big going in?  I could’ve sworn it was way shorter going in than out.  Ah!  There it is!  Finally, the exit!  I’m gonna make it!  As long as the door doesn’t collapse or anything.  Don’t think like that.  Just one last push and I’m out.
                Hah!  I did it!  I’m out!  And the kids?  The girl looks pretty bad out here, but she should be fine now that the meds are taking her.  And the baby too, right?  They’re saying it’ll be fine, and that’s good enough for me. 
                Oh, hey, look at that.  My first time out as a fireman and I’m already a hero.  How cool is that?
I have the utmost respect for firepeople  I don't have any intention on becoming one, but I think those who do are great people.  I mean, really, it takes quite the amazing person to run into a burning building.    

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