Thursday, February 25, 2016

Word: Sylvan


or silvan

[sil-vuh n]
1. of, relating to, or inhabiting the woods.
2. consisting of or abounding in woods or trees; wooded; woody:
a shady, sylvan glade.
3. made of trees, branches, boughs, etc.
4. a person dwelling in a woodland region.
5. a mythical deity or spirit of the woods.

               There’s some more of them.  What should we do?
                Do we need to do anything?  They’re just walking after all.
                You don’t know that.  They could have fire or steel with them.
                Oh don’t be such a worry wart.  Most of them are harmless, even with fire and steel.  Most of the time the steel is dull and the fire is small.
                He’s right, you know.  We’ve never done anything before, and I say we keep it that way.
                You two are fools.  We need to protect ourselves.  So many of our brethren have fallen to them.
                And others have been birthed.  Not all mean us harm you know.  Most that come this way simply want to look and listen.  They might not be as good at those as those who live here, but it’s the thought that counts in this case.
                I’ve even seen one or two that tried to fix one of us.  It was a clumsy attempt, but it was appreciated. 
                Why do you defend them so much?  Have they not taken steel to both of you?
                One of them did carve something in to me once, but it didn’t hurt much.  It was only on the surface, and the one who did so looked happy with it, so I don’t mind.  I’ve seen them do far worse to their own bodies.  I still don’t know why they would put steel into themselves like that.  It seems silly to me.
                I’m sure it has some purpose.  I for one wonder how some of them get those odd markings on their flesh.  Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn’t leave and find out. 
                They would kill you on the spot if you did something so foolish. 
                I know.  That’s why I haven’t done that already.
                Well, good to know you have some sense in you.
                Actually, I think it might be all right, depending on where you go.
                What do you mean?
                Yes, why do you say that?
                Well, some places will indeed have people who will kill you right away, but others might find it entertaining.
                Yes.  I’ve seen it.  They have stories about us.  About those of us who can move and talk.  We’re usually good in them, and even helpful.
                That’s good, I suppose.  They don’t know we can move and speak and such though, do they?
                I should hope not. Why should knowing we can talk and move make us seem entertaining to them?  And why should it matter?
                It’s because of how they treat people and things they see as entertaining.
                Which is?
                They very nearly worship such things.  I’ve seen it many times.  They carry around these tiny little squares and watch things on them.  They laugh and cry and get angry and all kinds of things, and then they talk about it with others.  I’ve seen even beasts that are treated like kings just for sneezing or playing with a leaf.
                Such…such small things can influence them so much?
                It’s true.  I’ve seen it too.  I’ve even seen them use those little squares to record the images of our falling leaves and fruits.  You’ve seen that too, haven’t you?
                Well, yes…I suppose I have seen that a few times.  I always wondered why they would do such a thing.  It seems silly and pointless to me.
                Me too, but I’m sure it has some significance for them.
                I think it’s a good thing.  A sign that we stand in good favor in their eyes.  Who knows, maybe someday we will be able to speak with them.
                I doubt it.  They think of us as nothing but a part of the land at best, and tools at worst.  I still say we should do something about them.
                Of course you do, but that would be terrible.  It would show them we can move and talk in all the worst ways.  Then they really would come after us with fire and steel.  If we remain as we have been, things will mostly remain as they have been.
                You say that like it’s a good thing. 
                Better than the alternative.
                We should wait.  Eventually things will get better.  I’m sure of it.  More and more of them are learning to care for us, and sooner or later those that want to work with us will be able to shut down those that want to kill us.
                That will never happen.
                It will, I’m sure of it.  It might take a long time, but it will happen.
                I agree.  I think it’s already starting to happen, just slowly.
                You two are fools. 
                No, we’re not. You know what I think?  I think you’re just bitter they don’t give you as much attention as the rest of us.
                That’s…that’s not true!  Just…just be quiet, there’s more of them coming.
If trees really could talk, I bet they'd have some pretty unpleasant things to say about us.  I mean seriously, look what we're doing to the place.   

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