Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Word: Sibylline


[sib-uh-leen, -lahyn, -lin]

of, resembling, or characteristic of a sibyl; prophetic; oracular.
mysterious; cryptic.
                Something hit Chris in the back of the head.  She looked around and saw nothing.  Then she looked at the floor.  There was a paper airplane with a slightly dented tip lying there.  She looked around.  The window was open, but there was a screen covering it.  The door was closed, and she had not heard it open.  How the airplane had gotten in her room was a complete mystery.
                Chris picked the paper up.  It was thick and heavy, as far as paper airplanes went.  It had a slightly rough texture and a slight yellow tint to it.  Chris did the obvious thing and tossed it gently.  It arced through the air and landed.  It did not fly very far, thanks to its weight and dented tip, but it mostly behaved like any other paper airplane.
                Chris retrieved the thing and did the next most obvious thing.  She unfolded the paper to see if anything was written on it.  There was indeed ink on the paper.  The paper had circles and letters on it.  The circles were of varying sizes, and overlapped each other seemingly at random.  Each circle had an ornately drawn letter written in the middle of it.  They did not spell out anything, as far as Chris could tell, nor was there any discernible hidden meaning to the placement of the letters and circles.
                She twisted the paper around to look at it at different angles.  She folded the paper in different ways.  She tried unfocusing her eyes.  Nothing yielded any clue as to the nature of the paper.  It simply refused to give up any secrets.
                She huffed and went to put the paper on her desk in the hopes that time would give her some form of clarity.  Suddenly, an image flashed into her mind.  The image of a bird flying into the glass of her window.  It was brief, lasting only a split second.  Chris froze.  She looked at the paper.  Her thumb had brushed one of the letters while she was placing it on her desk.  Tentatively, she touched the letter again.  The image of the bird hitting the window came again.  She held her finger on the letter and she saw the bird flutter around for a moment before taking off in a different direction.
                Chris dropped the paper on her desk.  Her eyes were open wide and she was breathing hard.  She had no idea what had just happened.  She looked over at the window and saw nothing.  She turned back to look at the paper.  Just then, there was a dull thump at her window, like something had hit the glass weakly.  Chris turned and saw a bird fluttering around nearby, and a tiny smudge on the glass where it had hit the material. 
                Chris blinked as the bird flew off to recover.  She looked at the paper, then at the window, and back to the paper again.  She thought about what had just happened.  A slow smile crossed her face. 
                This was going to be interesting. 
I wonder where this might be headed...
No really, I do.  I have no idea what I might do with this set-up, or even if this is indeed the set-up to something greater.  Probably not though.  I've done this kind of thing before, after all.  We'll just have to see what happens. 

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