Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Word: Adrenalize



verb (used with object), ad·re·nal·ized, ad·re·nal·iz·ing.
to stir to action; excite: The promise of victory adrenalized the team.

               Hecin sat up suddenly, ignoring the grass that had clung to his rough shirt.  His eyes were open wide and a big smile was on his face.  He looked to the other four members of his social circle.  They were all ignoring him, and remained doing what they had been.  That stopped when Hecin spoke up.
               “You know what we should do?  We should become adventurers.”
               The others looked at each other and resumed their activities without a word.  They had long since learned to ignore such fanciful words from their friend.  When he got no response, Hecin continued.
               “I mean it, we should.  I mean, think about it.  The five of us would be an amazing party.”
               The largest member of the group, Baltist, replied.  “No we wouldn’t.  None of us have fought before, or even trained for fighting.  Hell, none of us have even held a weapon.  We’d be slaughtered on our first fight.”
               “True, but that’s only for now.  We can get experience in the field.  Besides, we’re practically build for a party.  You, for example, would make a splendid warrior.  Linnia has good eyes and steady hands.  She’s practically built for an archer.”
               The girl in question looked up at the mention of her name.  “No, I’m not.”  She said.  “I’d be a terrible archer.  I’d never be able to draw anything bigger than a short bow.”
               “You’ll just have to train then.” Hecin said, undeterred.  “Klyn is small, quiet, and smart.  He’d make for a fine rouge.”
               The small, thin boy looked almost ashamed that he had been picked for that roll.  “I don’t want to steal anything.” He said simply.
               “Not that kind of rouge, sure.  I mean the kind that sneaks around dungeons to find the monster and disarms traps and stuff.”
               “I might be able to do that?” Klyn admitted reluctantly.
               “And the best of all, Bellis would be our mage.”  Hecin patted the girl on the shoulder.
               “I’m not a mage.” She said.  “I barely know any magic at all.  Just, like, cleaning spells and stuff.”
               “More than most people can do.  Did you know only a handful of adventuring parties have a mage, or anyone who can use magic?  We’d be ahead of curve with that alone.  Besides, I’m sure you’ll learn lots of spells on the road.”
               The girl sighed.
               “I notice you haven’t mentioned yourself yet.” Baltist said.  “What role would you be filling, pray tell?  I know you wouldn’t be a healer.”
               “Of course not.  I’m not nearly pious or patient enough to be a healer.  No, I’m steady on my feet and have the best balance.  I’m a spearman.”  He said proudly.  “We have everything a good party needs.  A strong, tough man on the front, a mage and archer in the back—”
               “I told you I can’t be an archer.” Linnia insisted.  Hecin continued as if she had not spoken.
               “A scout making sure we don’t fight more than we can handle, and someone to attack from behind our warrior.  Plus, mages make everything so much better, no matter what spells they use.”
               The rest grumbled.  With the exception of a healer, it was a decent party makeup.  Still, it was difficult to get behind his words when none of them had any idea of how to go about doing said jobs.
               “Oh come now, think about it.” Hecin said.  “Traveling the world.  Vanquishing great beasts.  Finding long lost treasures.  Fame and fortune.” He said, moving his arms energetically and dramatically.  “Songs would be sung about us.  Ladies…and Gentlemen…would want to be with us.”
               “R-really?  We’d be popular?” Klyn said.  The small boy had trouble catching the eyes of the fair sex, and his mind was already racing with Hecin’s proclamation.
               “Don’t listen to him.” Linnia said.  “Women won’t fall for you just because you’re an adventurer.”
               “Oh really?” Hecin said.  “What would you do if a famous adventurer came up to you right now and asked for your hand?”
               Linnia stuttered and muttered.  Bellis’s eyes seemed distant and a distinct pink color came to her cheeks as she thought.  A color that was soon worn by both girls.
               “Point taken.” Linnia muttered. 
               “See?  We can be famous.  Known the world over for our deeds.  And fortune like we can’t even dream of.  Magic items, piles of gold and gems.  We can have it all.”
               The others thought about it for nearly a minute.
               “Maybe we can start small.”  Bellis said.  “A few gathering quests, maybe hunt some slimes or insect monsters.”
               “A-And use the funds to hire trainers and such.” Baltist said, scratching the side of his face.  “You know, learn how to fight properly before going up against anything really dangerous.”
               “That’s the spirit!” Hecin cheered.  “We’ll take a few days to gather supplies, and then head out to the nearest city!  My friends, fame and fortune await!”
               They collectively let out a great cheer at the boy’s words.  Each had their head filled with fame, fortune and power.  They each quickly quieted the tiny bits of doubt still lingering in their minds, and continued to dream.
 Not sure if I should continue this or not.  I used to try continuous stories in the early days of the blog, but I haven't done that recently.  Maybe I should try and pick it back up?  Depends on the words I get, I suppose.

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