Friday, January 18, 2019

Word: Perfunctory




performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: perfunctory courtesy.
lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent or apathetic: In his lectures he reveals himself to be merely a perfunctory speaker.

               The man wakes up the sound of his alarm.  He groans and shuts it off.  Sometimes he wishes he could do more.  Take a bat to bed with him so he could smash the damn thing, but he never does.  He has had the clock for too long, and he would never be able to wake up without it.  He forces himself out of bed, just as he does every morning, and readies himself for the day.
               A quick breakfast of oatmeal with a dash of honey, and a cup of coffee.  He does not enjoy either.  The oatmeal is of the cheap, instant variety and is tasteless and lumpy.  The honey makes it barely tolerable.  He eats it because that is what the health experts say he should eat, and his slowly expanding waistline makes him more open to such suggestions.  The coffee is dark and bitter.  He does not like the taste of it, but he drinks it simply because it helps him get moving.  If he was allowed to use sugar, he would put a large amount of it in, but again, the health experts.  And since he finds the idea of milk oddly unsettling, he uses neither that nor cream to cut the bitterness.  They have become as much a part of his routine as waking up, no matter how much he dislikes any of it.
               He begins his drive to work.  It is familiar.  So much so that he could close his eyes and still make it.  Sometimes, he is tempted to do that, just to see what happens.  He never does though.  Besides, other cars on the road made it so he had to pay at least some attention to his actions.  He stops at the light that always seems to be red when he gets to it.
               He uses the time to look at the shop.  The shop on the corner.  The shop with the faded sign and barred windows.  He feels his grip on the steering wheel tighten.  He wants to go in.  To see what that store has, and maybe even buy something.  But he never does.  That would not be part of his daily routine.  And he had learned to stick to that like a priest to his holy book.  It might have been maddening, but it was safe and familiar.  He knew what was expected of him, and he never did anything else, even if he wanted to.  Besides, what would people who knew him think if they saw him entering a store like that?  Nothing good.
               He gets to work and sits at his desk.  He turns on his computer and starts.  Everything is set up for him.  All he has to do is open the programs and start typing the right things.  It is not interesting, and it can be frustrating at times, but he does not mind.  Mostly, anyway.  He lets his mind wander as his fingers move over the keyboard.  He thinks of things he could be doing.  Things he might even like to do.  He never will, but he can think about them. 
               He risks a glance at his coworkers.  They look at him and whisper.  They never talk to him, but he does not mind.  Most of them are younger than him, and there would be nothing to talk about.  Most of them don’t seem to like him for some reason anyway.  Best to stay in his own area and leave them be.  There is only one person that he cannot avoid.  His boss, who comes over to him and disrupts the man’s routine by having him come to the boss’ office.
               Soon, the man is back at his desk.  He stares at the screen.  His routine has been disturbed.  He needs to get back into it.  A pay cut will not be terribly detrimental to him.  He spends so little, after all.  Still, he feels his chest tighten and he has to coax his fingers into working again.  He manages to finish the day and heads home.
               As he stops at the light and looks at the store on the corner, his mind begins to churn.  His routine has already been disturbed, so why not add something else into the mix?  He parks the car.  He sits there for a moment, looking at the bland street and the people walking along.  A wide, toothy grin starts to form, but he stops it before it can properly manifest.  He goes into the store with the barred windows.
I'm sure most people can figure out what kind of store that is.  Here's a hint, it's not a grocery store, nor does it sell any food or food-like products.    

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