Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Word: à gogo

à gogo

or à Go·go, à go-go


1. As much as you like; to your heart's content; galore: food and drink à gogo.
2. With go-go music and dancing or a go-go atmosphere (used especially in the names of cabarets, discotheques, and the like): They danced all night at the Mistral à gogo.

               Disgusting.  All of them were disgusting.  Little better than pigs.  Oh, they were well groomed and to most, they looked grand.  But to Sen, they were disgusting.  They wrapped themselves in finery and luxury, but Sen could see them for what they were.
               Horrible people that indulged in excess.  They ate and drank all they liked, whenever they liked.  It was not just food, of course, but that was the worst offender.  They threw lavish parties that had more food in one room than most people could get in an entire year.  And they ate like they were starving, despite never knowing true hunger in their lives.
               And Sen could do nothing about it.  He was a mere servant.  A waiter who brought them more food and drink.  He wished he could do something.  Wished he could take their overabundance of luxuries from them.  He wanted to believe he would distribute them to those who could really appreciate such things, but he was not sure if he was that selfless.  All he knew was how much he would hurt these pigs in human skins.
               “You, servant!”  One of them called at Sen.  He was a particularly portly lord with food sticking to an otherwise neatly trimmed mustache.  He fine silks and stains were stained from his feast, but nobody cared.  Half of them wore their food just as much as ate it.  “More wine!” The lord called.
               Sen smiled and bowed.  He said nothing.  He was not supposed to say something.  He merely went into the kitchen and came back with yet another glass of wine that cost more than he made in a year.
               The lord did not care.  He simply grabbed it, laughing at some young lady who clung to him in the hopes of getting into his wallet.  The lord gulped down the drink without a care as to its cost.  Sen clenched his fist for just a moment.  The lord finished and set the empty cup on the tray Sen carried.
               The servant left the lord to try and woo the girl, and the girl to take the man for all he was worth.  He could respect that, even if he found the method a bit distasteful.  As he got out of the way for the increasingly inebriated nobles, a man approached him. 
               “I saw that.” The man said.
               “Saw what, m’lord?” Sen asked.
               “Your anger.  You hate these people, don’t you?”
               Sen startled.  He had no idea anyone was paying that much attention to him.  What should he do?  Best to just deny it.  As much as he did hate these sad excuses for people, they could still have him killed on a whim.  And he did need the pay that came from his position.
               “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sen said.
               “Don’t try to hide it.  I saw.  You hate what you see.  You wish to be rid of these people.  I can make this happen.  I can give you the means to rid the world of these…people.  If you’re interested, stay by the servant’s entrance tonight.  I’ll come and show you how you can cleanse the world of filth.”
               And with that, the man left.  Sen was shaking.  A slight, subtle tremble through his entire body.  He was suddenly very interested in taking a late night walk.
 Oh dear.  Things might not end well for someone.  I wonder who...

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