Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Word: Pandemonium



[ pan-duh-moh-nee-uhm ]noun

  1. wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos.

    Synonyms: babel, turmoil, bedlam

  2. a place or scene of riotous uproar or utter chaos.

    Synonyms: babel, turmoil, bedlam

  3. (often initial capital letter) the abode of all the demons.
  4. hell.


               “Look at it. Isn’t it beautiful?” Asked one of the two beings on the hill.

               The other looked at the scene below without any outward emotion showing. “I fail to see the beauty in this situation. Wholesale slaughter is one of the least visually appealing sights available.”

               The battle below had gone from two mighty armies exchanging blows to utter and complete chaos. There were no lines. No orders being given. Men simply fought the first person with a weapon they saw. Even the commanders had given in and were swinging their weapons wildly from atop their horses.

               “That’s because you lack vision. You don’t see it like I do.”

               “That has little to do with my dislike of the current spectacle. I simply find the useless loss of life to be unnecessary and unappealing.”

               The first being scoffed. “Oh don’t try and play the morally superior one. You loved it when they were killing each other in neat little rows.”

               The second being said nothing the refute that. To do so would be to lie, which was contrary to its very nature. But it could still save some amount of face.

               “It was not the killing I enjoyed. It was the well ordered discipline of the soldiers. Many bodies working together to produce something greater.”

               “Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that. We both know you’re even more bloodthirsty than I am.”

               “That is an incorrect statement.”

               “Oo, lying to yourself, huh? I’m rubbing off on you. I’m sure you know I’m right. How many people are killed daily in your name versus mine again? Hell, this very battle could be said to be because of you. I just made it more interesting.”

               Your very nature is destructive while mine is constructive.”

               The first being laughed. “Changing the subject, are we? And not even for making a new point. How droll. You wouldn’t happen to be trying to get me to leave by boring me to sleep, ate you?

               “It is a valid point that I will continue to make.”

               “Boring. You’re so boring. Part of what makes you you, I suppose.” It let out a low chuckle. “And by now you already know the response, right? That you might be the one who plans what to build, but I make it more interesting. You’d do nothing but make big hollow stone cubes. But that’s hardly important now, is it? We’re here to watch the humans kill each other in spectacular ways, not to rehash the tired old argument of our natures.”

               The humans in question continued to kill with abandon. There were less of them now, so each soldier was getting some precious few seconds to see what was around them. It meant that the orderly rows of soldiers might come back. Maybe. There was still quite a bit of time before order could be reestablished though.

               “I seems as if the battle is beginning to wind down.” The second being said.

               “There’s still plenty of time left on the fun parts before it gets boring again. Oh, I think we’re about to get to the best part. The humans are starting to figure out what’s going on and it’s all going to hit them at once. And then they’ll either have an emotional breakdown or fight even harder to make the pain go away.”

               “I still do not know why you enjoy such things.”

               “Oh, just shut up and watch. Maybe you’ll figure it out one day. Until then, there’s plenty of fun stuff going on, so just learn to enjoy it a bit.”


Just a little something on the nature of chaos and order. Very small. And probably not all that insightful. But I am a very shallow person, so...

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