Thursday, August 22, 2024

Word: Splendiferous



[ splen-dif-er-uhs ]


  1. splendid; magnificent; fine.

                   Molly was at a party. It was a truly splendid affair. People in fancy clothes talked and laughed. They drank wine and ate small bits of food carried around by waiters in fine uniforms. A few people even danced to the music of a small orchestra. To any onlookers, it was the very picture of a high class ball. Even Molly was dressed in a fine dress. Silk, if the feel of it was anything to go by.

                   The only problem was that she had simply woken up there after going to sleep in her apartment, dressed in a T-shirt she had owned since college, and a pair of pajama pants she had owned even longer.

                   “Greetings, fair lady.” Said a man. He was dressed in an immaculate tuxedo, and top hat. He even had a monocle. No cane though. And, thankfully, no handlebar mustache. “I cannot say I’ve had the pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Edmund of Corvain, at your service.” He continued, giving his name with a deep bow.

                   “Uh, sure. Right.” Molly said. She was about to give her name, but stopped herself. “Nice to meet you.”

                   “I notice you have yet to avail yourself of our host’s generous arrangements. Would you like me to fetch you a morsel to dine on?”

                   That set off alarm bells in Molly’s mind. “Before I say anything else, I have to know something. Are you or anyone else in this place a fairy? Or elf. Or goblin. Or, well, any kind of fae creature.”

                   “Oh no, no, no. Everyone here is quite human. You are wise to be cautious of those little devils though. Although, I do wonder why you would ask such a  thing?”

                   “Well, first of all, you’ll forgive me if I need some proof of your claims to humanity. I don’t want to lose my name by introducing myself. As for why, I went to sleep in Manhattan, dressed in my jammies. Now I’m where this is and wearing some Victorian ball gown.”

                   “Ah. I see. One of those, are you. Well, that makes your reluctance quite understandable. Later on, I must introduce you to my chef, Claire. She claims to be from a place called Austin and arrived as suddenly as you did. She was much more willing to divulge her identity though. Perhaps a difference in culture amongst nations in your mysterious lands?”

                   “Austin? As in Austin Texas?” The fact that there was another American in whatever place she was in was somewhat comforting. And it probably meant she was safe to eat something. The food did look and smell amazing, after all. But she had to confirm something. “What kind of foods does she make?”

                   “Ah, a confirmation question. Very good. She has an interesting love of cooking things in large amounts of oil. She calls it frying. She also enjoys cooking things in smoke for long periods of time. The methods and seasonings she uses baffle me, but I cannot deny the results.”

                   Fried and smoked foods. That checked out. She would give him some cold iron to make sure, but she had no idea what anything in the place was made out of. She looked around at the high class party goers. Only Edmund was paying her any attention. She sighed. If she was going to get by in whatever place this was, she was going to have to take a risk.

                   “Fine, fine. I’ll get something to eat. But I’m not telling you my name until I know for sure. Until then, Joyce will do.” It was not even a lie, as it was her middle name. She could do without that if something went wrong.

                   “A fine name indeed, Ms. Joyce. It is a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to hearing all about your homeland. Manhattan. I can almost feel the magic in the name of it. Well then, please wait here. I’ll make sure to select only the finest delicacies for you introduction to this fine nation.”

                   Edmund went off to get something to eat. Molly sighed heavily. Fae magic or not, this was going to be a headache. She just hoped that was all it would be. 


    Other world stories are pretty popular these days. I figured I might as well give it a try. Well, sort of anyway. 

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