Saturday, September 7, 2024

Word: Gainsay



[ geyn-sey, geyn-sey ]

verb (used with object)

, gain·said, gain·say·ing.
  1. to deny, dispute, or contradict.
  2. to speak or act against; oppose.


               “I’m telling you, this is where we need to go.” Jack said, jabbing his finger at the map.

               “It is definitely not.” Kevin replied. He did not try and give any alternative option though. Jack groaned.

               He was not sure if it was just the two of them was good or bad. On the one hand, there was nobody to see his frustration. But on the other, there was nobody else around to help him deal with Kevin.

               “And why, oh why do you think I’m wrong. All the clues point to this location.”

               Kevin looked at the map. He acted like he was considering it for a moment. “No idea. But I can tell you that that’s not right.”

               Jack took a deep breath. “You don’t know.”


               “But you do know that all the clues are wrong.”

               “The clues aren’t wrong. You’re just getting what they mean wrong.”



               “Then how about you do your part and interpret them.”

               Kevin hesitated for a moment. A big grin broke out on his face. “Not my job. Remember? I’m the guy who gets us to wherever we’re going. You’re the one who makes sure we get to the right place.”

               Jack just looked at the other man, flabbergasted at how brazen that was.


               “You are an idiot, you know that?”

               “Hey, I’m not the one who—”
               “No really, a grade A moron. Think about what you just said. Now think about the rest of the conversation.”

               Kevin looked confused. His brow furrowed in thought.

               “Okay, since you’re having some problems thinking, I’ll help you.” Jack said. “Everyone knows what you do. You might think you’re hiding it, but we all know you’re a troll. You just contradict for the sake of contradicting us. Every single time, you do something to gainsay us. But you always at least try and hide it. But this time? You basically just admitted it.”

               “No? No I didn’t? You’re imagining things.”

               “First you said I’m not interpreting the clues right, which implies you have the role of aiding in interpretation of the rules. Then you say it’s not your job to interpret the clues. So we see a very obvious contradiction. Something that a good troll would at least try and avoid. Thus we can see that you are just a bad troll and just want to be contrarian because…well, I don’t know why.”

               “That…that’s dumb. You’re being dumb.”

               Jack rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I’m heading out. The clues are all there, and no matter what you say, they’re obvious. So I’m going. You can follow or not. You can try and figure out the clues on your own and go wherever you think they point to, or you can shut up and come with me. Oh, but if you do, don’t contradict me unless you have an actual reason to. You’re not being funny, clever or, well, anything other than annoying.”

               Before Kevin could say anything, Jack turned and left. He had places to go, and he had no interest in dealing with a guy who just wanted to be difficult.


Remember everyone, don't feed the trolls. It won't get you anywhere. 

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