Saturday, September 14, 2024

Word: Ripsnorter



[ rip-snawr-ter ]


  1. something or someone exceedingly strong or violent:

    a ripsnorter of a gale.

  2. something or someone remarkably good or exciting.

                   Dr. Last didn’t know where he had messed up. It should have been perfect. Everything was perfect. They were perfect. Maybe that was the problem. They were too perfect. The best minions he had ever had. Their skill, intelligence, and loyalty were far beyond what any other minion was capable of. So why shouldn’t he have rewarded them? Even though he was out to end all civilization and install himself as dictator, he could still be a good employer.

                   And turning his two best minions into neigh unstoppable super soldiers seemed like a great thing to do. After all, they were perfectly loyal. There was no chance they would turn on him.

                   He looked over the balcony as one of them, the female, ripped one of his tanks apart with her bare hands. The male of the pair was seeing how accurately he could jump. He did this by jumping up to his bomber drones several hundred feet in the air. The amount of violence would have been commendable had it been against anyone else.

                   Several of his normal minions opened fire on the two, unloading thousands of rounds every second. Of course, none of the bullets had any effect. Dr. Last had made sure the super soldiers wouldn’t be able to be stopped by such mundane means. Really, he had done so much for those two. It baffled him why they had betrayed him.

                   He wondered if it was a mental side effect. Perhaps increased aggression to go with the increased abilities. He had tried to account for that, but not even he was perfect. But no, they had been so normal at first. Well, as normal as people who could rip steel apart ever could be. And considering what the female was doing to the door to one of his bunkers, they were capable of tearing steel quite effectively.

                   They had come out of the procedure and seemed stable enough. Then they said something about “defending the world” and had gone completely berserk. As he thought about it, he wondered. Could it really be that simple? Could they have simply been heroes infiltrating his operations? He did have to admit the amount of his plots being thwarted had gone up a bit since they had joined. He had never considered spies though.

                   After all, the plots that had been stopped had seemingly been random. Oh, some were of great importance, but others were minor and hardly even slowed his plans down. And some even included those two. But the more Dr. Last thought about it, the more convinced he became. He had been infiltrated by heroes with expert espionage training. And now he had a pair of bona fide superheroes on his hands.

                   He sighed and turned away from the male using his satellite dish arrays and throwing disks. He would need to escape before those two got to him. It would not be long, given how quickly they were tearing through his defenses. It was frustrating, as this was one of his main bases. But he had others. Bases that even those two did not know about where he could lay low and recoup his losses. It would take time, but he could recover the spent resources with enough time. And the super soldier process had worked wonders.

                   He would just need to rework it a bit. Add something to control the resulting individuals. A genetic kill switch maybe? Or some sort of innate mental control method. Yes, either of those would do. Perhaps both would be better. Dr. Last nodded to himself as he entered his escape tunnel. He would go into hiding for now. But he, and his organization, would come back better and stronger than ever.


    Just a little supervillain type stuff. Writing from the hero's perspective is all well and good, but every now and then you need something from a villain's POV. 

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